Jan 20, 2020, 10:18 PM

Hey folks,

My first post! I’m a high school English teacher, and aspiring artist on the side. Been listening to the podcast for a while and got a subscription to the site for Christmas! Im excited! I tried to take some of what I learned from the composition course and apply it to this piece. It’s a local art contest in my town, and it’s sort of an homage to some of my favorite things in town—the coffee shops, the aquarium, and the zoo. 🙂

Anyways, I was hoping I could get some feedback from y’all on the composition and anything else, before I do final line work and then color it. Also, I’m not confident at all in my coloring abilities, especially with digital work. I’ve taken the color theory course, but still feel at a loss when it comes to choosing my colors. Maybe it’s just experience/trial and error? Any recommendations with regards to colors, or maybe which other classes would help me most?

Btw a lot of the scratchy lines are more for contours and I won’t be doing final line work over those.
