First time posting... First time entering into the 3rd Thursday... So I figured I would share my progress with this thread. I worked out my idea for this months topic and composed my rough sketch and did my final line work. I wanted to share for any feedback before I move into values/colors. Back story - Santa uses penguins with jet rockets on their wings and an elf with a xmas light to lead the way. Of course Rudolf comes along for the ride. While landing a boy comes out and starts to laugh at what he sees. Saved image down from 300dpi 5250px by 3450px. Love to here any feedback. And Looking forward to being part of this awesome community.
xmas 3rd Thursday WIP
First time posting... First time entering into the 3rd Thursday... So I figured I would share my progress with this thread. I worked out my idea for this months topic and composed my rough sketch and did my final line work. I wanted to share for any feedback before I move into values/colors. Back story - Santa uses penguins with jet rockets on their wings and an elf with a xmas light to lead the way. Of course Rudolf comes along for the ride. While landing a boy comes out and starts to laugh at what he sees. Saved image down from 300dpi 5250px by 3450px. Love to here any feedback. And Looking forward to being part of this awesome community.
This is a great image and story! Welcome and nice work!
Cool concept. You may want to scale back the moon though.
Would they land in the yard or on the roof though?
@mattramsey They will be landing in the front yard, there will be a foot trail leading from the elf with snow kicking up. Yes good call on the moon, I will scale it back some, I was also thinking of putting the Aurora borealis in the sky as well on the right side of the image.
Hi and welcome
I think it could work as a base for coloring, I noticed just few little thingies - chimney seems to be in different perspective. Window is rather simplistic. Overall I would work on the house a bit more, maybe some christmas decoration and other detail. The level of detail does not match the sledge which are really cool looking. Also you might want to cosider making jet rockets bigger as I cant recognize them. had to read it in the description.
Also I think you should tell somehow that the deers are sick, you might manage that with just the one deer and that would be really smart. but it is kind of far away so I dont know if it will work.
I would also consider bringing the sledge more into foreground so viewer can appreciate all the detailJust some stuff for you to think about
@Jiří-Kůs Thanks for the feedback. You are right on the chimney, i will fix that. Yes window is simple, i will spice it up some as well as add some xmas decorations on the house and tree next to the house. Rudolf does have warm pack and thermometer, so i was thinking that will pop more when there is color. Same with the jet rockets, i had them larger but it started to look odd, so once colored with a trail of smoke from each, i hope it reads.
Why is the boy standing out in the cold and snow with no she's and short sleeves? I also think Santa should have put his foot down and told Rudolph he had to stay home and rest.
@seanwelty The boy opened the door to see what was going on, so he is in his PJs. Maybe I will move him back a little so he is standing in the house more.
Maybe give the chimney smoke a lighter value? Unless you were going to do that with color.
@bharris Yes that will be done with color, i will also add smoke from the penguin rockets. Those will stand out more once color is down.
Just a couple crits (great image by the way):
I don't think the moon needs that texture. If you didn't want to paint it a solid color maybe go with some simple moon craters (circles).
The reindeer in Santa's sleigh is not really at the same level of drawing skill as the rest of the characters and I think you'll probably want to re-draw it before you get too far with the painting. It may be better to draw it in 3/4 or profile rather than head on--snouts are really difficult to draw head on imo.
Overall: I feel like you don't have a strong range of values--everything is pretty uniform gray with a few dark spots and a super bright moon (which you actually may want to knock back but I'm not 100% sure). I would say that, at the least, you will want to lighten up the areas of snow, the areas closest to us probably being the lightest.
@mattramsey great feedback, thank you!
Really nice chip. the value study look good. keep it up
really like the value and the dude landing.
@Chip-Valecek you need to darken the values of the snow if you want this to look like a night scene. There is far too much contrast at the horizon and the rooftop.
here is an updated version. Once I start to lay in the next step of shadows it will get darker. What do you think?