Godzilla WIP critiques please!
This is just so cute! I love your concept.
@Dima-Eichhorn Thanks Dima! Yeah that's a great suggestion. I will definitely include the streets to give a better sense of scale and atmosphere to the piece. Glad you like the idea! We'll see what I can do with it!!
@aprilshin Aaaaaah! April you are so nice!! Your thumbnails are amazing and have really opened my eyes to how much more I should have thought about composition with this! I don't do any finished pieces these days because I'm focusing on learning drawing fundamentals so it's not something I ever really practice. I really need to step up my composition game and think more before I commit to an image!
You've helped me so much! Thank you again! I'll post my progress here. I'm loving your first thumbnail and think I'll go down that route, like Dima suggested too. Thanks for the depth tips too. They make it sooooooo much better!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
@Kat Thanks Kat!! Yeah I need to redraw it completely! This was just a rough template sketch. You're dead right about the body positions. I'll have to make sure they read better for the finished piece.
@theprairiefox Thank you! I'm glad you like the idea
I'm going to take everyone's tips on board and post my progress on this thread! Stay tuned!!
@nyrrylcadiz Thank yoooooou!!!!!
@ShannonBiondi Hi Shannon,
You are most welcome! I'm in the same boat as you. I recently attempted to make a finished piece and was just so discouraged because I have no idea what I'm doing! Lol. We're all here to learn together and support each other so I'm glad I could help at least a little bit. Also, I never even knew what composition was until I took the class here at SVS! Learned SO MUCH. Keep it up, sistah~!
@aprilshin Thanks for your encouraging words
It's motivating to hear you say all those things. Onwards and upwards!! Woop woop!
Love this, Shannon!!
@ShannonBiondi Aww such an adorable idea
so cute !
@Eli Thanks!!!
@rachy Thank you!
Now to find the time to progress it!!
@Coley Thanks Coley!
I love this!
@lmrush Thanks Lisa! I'm going to work on it more this weekend so expect updates soon!!
Such a cute idea!
@alicia Thank you Alicia! Working on it some more now
Will post an update tomorrow or Monday.