two point perspective question from Mastering Perspective class exercise 5
I wasn't intending to upload this copy of my work - intended as an exercise only so it's pretty rough and unfinished BUT I am stumped on something. It's an exercise from the Mastering Perspective class.
I think I more or less have the table , chair, door, window reasonably accurate within the perspective of the scene. Tho I realize the lower line on window probably angled the wrong way now that I look at it again! But I was trying to put a bookshelf on the right hand side of the scene. But both perspective points are now to the left of where I want the bookshelf. It isn't making any sense to me anymoreDo I add a new point somewhere off the page to the right? Given the perspective on the table, the viewer would be sort of standing in front of the table so would see the closest side of the bookshelf. But I can't quite figure things out without another point and I don't know if that correct. THANKS SO MUCH for any help and I will accept all crits or drawovers etc
@Coley typical rule is dont go beyond your vanishing points in your image frame. But there are ways. It’s tough but can be done.
Options are:
You can change the image frame so that the vanishing point going back (the one in view) is more to the right. You would just have to redo your drawing this way but this is the easiest solution.
You can look up how to do diagonal vanishing points using your table as a guide. (But your bookshelf will look askew because of where your vanishing points are currently)
You can put the bookshelf on the left side by the door and maybe just have a photo frane on the right. This way itll be between the vanishing points and wont look skewed.
You can eyeball it and not have the entire bookshelf in the frame.
These are things I would do.
If i ever draw rooms like this. I never make vanishing points that will allow for room outside the space between them, otherwise you may wanna just try using 1 point. If I’m using the angle you’re making, then I would implement diagonal vanishing points. Look that up itll help in future things.General advice though you may want to avoid making your image frame have a vanishing point in it when you’re doing 2 or 3 point perspective. Best practice is to put your vanishing points outside the picture frame.
I attached the change as an example. Look how skewed the window frame would have to be in order to match the vanishing point that is created rather than what felt natural to you.
@Aleksey thanks for that great information. Very helpful and I really appreciate it.
I will look up the diagonal vanishing points. Hadn't ever heard of it. So much to learn and practice.
Thanks again, it's great to talk a walk through someone else's thought process on these sorts of issues. -
@Coley Yeah feel free to contact me if you have more questions I have read so many books on perspective I’m just so lazy and never used it
@Coley You got really great info from @Aleksey ! I agree with what he said, and emphasize the argument that when working with 2 points it's best to have both vanishing points outside the frame. I can already see, looking at your table, that you're getting some really extreme angles here! It's looking like a trapeze more than a rectangle... This is a typical example of what happens when your vanishing points are too close together. Like Aleksey said there are ways to work around that, but the majority of the time it's just not worth it! It's a good idea to start thinking of perspective in these terms: instead of following vanishing points strictly to the end, YOU decide where you place your VP depending of how YOU want your image to look
For example, you could do a quick thumbnail, and then place VPs on your illustration based on that. Best of luck with your course!
Yeah what @NessIllustration said. This way you dont have to use the more complicated diagonal vp. But they are helpful to know in case you habe objects you want to turn and represent accurately. Also helpful with repetative squares and rectangles.
You have a lot more control when you decide where things go, just gotta follow the basic principles.
Don’t put your vps within the image frame, unless you’re doing this deliberately (ive played around with it it can be very fun)I encourage you though just to better understand and learn these principles, to break the rules and see what happens. Especially during that exercise where you make those cubes. Put the VP closer together or twist them. See what happens.
I feel like the mastering perspective class could use improvements but its ok for going over the basics for those that have trouble learning it.
@NessIllustration thanks! I'm learning so mmuch since joining SVS