@Chip-Valecek Yay! You make me so happy!
Show off your badge!
@MissMushy I am using 2017 as the cut off, however I only added a handful of people. Its hard to go through the thousands of users and add everyone. I know I missed quite a few people. I added you in.
Everyone else, please feel free to request the badge if I missed you.
@Chip-Valecek can I have an awesome badge?
@Will-Terry maybe do a frequent flyer type badge for people who post or respond to posts daily. I get in here a few times a month and love it but they are the ones who keep this party going, lol!!
@Chip-Valecek and @Will-Terry thanks I appreciate being included! and thanks for thinking of ways to improve the forum for all of us.
I know there are a few folks in the forums that are always super helpful with giving constructive feedback to any of us who ask - so maybe a badge to honour them - not sure the right label - mentor-nators? -
Can I have a badge?
I've been around since June 2017, though I've been distracted the last six months due to new baby and all.
@stringfellowart new baby is no excuse LOL. Congrats and you got the badge now, just edit your profile and select it under group titles.
@Chip-Valecek Yay! You make me so happy!
I've been around since may 2017. I haven't been very active though, I'm still working my way through the beginner classes. But I would love to show off my SVS connection.
@Chip-Valecek Thanks! Now to work on that PRO badge...
@Jason-Bowen I already had assigned it to you since you been on since 2016, just edit your profile and select it under group title.
@Annemieke you got it!
@stringfellowart Given the number of parents of young children on the forum, I think Chip should create an SP badge for Stressed Parent!
@demotlj definitely!
I searched and I’ve been a subscriber since April ‘17.
@jaepereira just added you to the group.
@Chip-Valecek Ohhhh I would qualify for pro, since my panda book just hit the shelves last week!
@NessIllustration you got it! Just edit your profile and select it under group title.
@Chip-Valecek sweet. Thank you!
@Chip-Valecek Yayyy thank you Chip!