The Moment Before WIP
I want to show the moment before the dog steals dinner, I have a couple different scenarios - thinking about making it a classic dinner table inside, a BBQ kind of set up, or a picnic. I'm wondering if I can get your opinion on which of these is working? I kind of like 9 where you can see mom in the BG with her back turned. Wondering if I could work that element into a composition like #1, would there be enough focus on the dog? I also like the close up view of the dog's expression in 4 & 14.
@StudioLooong 9 popped out to me first. That smile reminds me of my old pit bull Chance.
@JerrySketchyArt haha yeah, I love the way dogs with flatter faces can "smile" I want it to be a pit/bulldog/pug kind of face
@StudioLooong I love no 4 and no 14. I get a real sense of excitement from them.
@StudioLooong I like #9 as well, maybe if you had the dog looking at the mom in the background. You know like being sneaky.
I like 9 and 14
I personally like #9. Having the human in there gives the action context somehow. Cute!!!
I absolutely love #9, the dogs face is brilliant! Maybe the Mom in the background could have just turned and seen the dog about the take a bite so she looks shocked or something?
Love the look of delight on the dog's face in 14. I also love 9. Can't wait to see what you do.
I like #9, but #1 is my favorite because of the "sneaky" factor. You're not entirely sure what the dog will do, but you know it's up to something regarding dinner. As a dog owner, I can totally relate LOL!
1, 4 and 9 are my favourites, I like the long table in the first, all set up and lovely, knowing it will be demolished
Thanks everyone! Thats super helpful, I'll probably take 2 or 3 of these to the rough sketch phase and see if one sticks out after I refine them a little bit.
I've worked up a new sketch, wondering if the story comes through a little better in this one? It's still very rough but I want to have the couple so infatuate with each other in this outdoor cafe setting that they don't notice the dog checking out their muffins.
I like #1 and #9 the best.
I like the angle of #1. #9 could have the figure in the back catching the dog at a glance in the corner of his eye.
I still love 9 the best. Composition is great, it's super clear and really funny.
Re: #9 I guess if you wanted to up the suspense, you could have the person in the background headed towards the door carrying a dish, just in time to see the ham meet its demise.
Okay, so a bit of a change in direction, I wasn't in love with any of the dog comps and I wanted to land on something that I was excited to work on this weekend so I changed concepts to this little froggy. Here is my rough sketch with the value groups roughed in.
Ive worked up two different versions, one is more mid-day and one is more evening, any critique on color would be appreciated! I haven't added any highlights/shadows to these yet so I know i need to work on that.
@StudioLooong I like the warmer of the first one just adds a little extra pop.