@kristin-wauson It's funny to me that they told you that it was the most similar to digital painting. That would really depend on the style, but I'd think acrylic would be more similar to digital painting. I really struggled with gouache too, until I had one of my painting instructors who used to paint Disney backgrounds in gouache and acrylic before PS was a thing.
Gouache is opaque watercolor. In fact, some places don't even call it gouache, they just call it opaque watercolor. If you have artist's quality paint, it's primary binder is gum arabic, the same as transparent watercolor. Except that the pigments are all so finely ground and processed with a few other stabilizers that they don't granulate or things like that. In use, I've found it falls between watercolors and acrylics; it can be watered down and used transparently like a traditional watercolor, but can also be built up and used opaque like acrylic. It also dries matte.
I think in the last few years there has been an explosion online about gouache actually. Go on YouTube and type in 'gouache', 'how to paint with gouache' or 'gouache tips' etc, and you'll be bombarded with useful videos.
I'll give you some tips from my experience though. Gouache works best when it's fresh if you are trying to work opaquely). It can be put into pans and re-wet like watercolor, but it'll never quite re-wets the same way. Its re-wettability also depends on the brand. I've had some brands get rock hard and unusable when dried up and had others reactivate beautifully.
So there are two methods I've used:
- Put it into pans/wells like watercolor, let it dry.
- Reactivate like watercolor.
Two (My teacher's favorite way):
- Take a paper towel and fold it up into a strip, and soak it in water. It should be dripping. That's what you will squeeze your color onto, so it doesn't dry.
- Put it on your palette. You can use either palette paper or a watercolor type palette (porcelain/plastic/butchers tray. Palette paper will allow for a more opaque style as if you were using acrylic.
Try both out, mix the two, but just do which one works for you.
- Gouache can go on thick or thin, but it's most useful/normal state where you get the smoothest even finish is like a thick milk or thin yogurt.
- The color you mix will not be the same once it dries. Light colors will dry a bit darker, and dark colors a bit lighter. But sometimes it can be drastic, so be prepared for that.
- Gouache is fast drying. That's one of it's perks. Historically it was used by classic oil painters for studies, in more contemporary times by illustrators and designers for it's vibrancy, versatility, and fast-drying nature.
- As with any medium, the more colors you mix the duller it gets, but I've found this really applies strongly to gouache.
- You should have a mega tube of white paint if you are working opaquely. But also remember that adding white will cool the color down, so add a warm color to balance the mix out.
- You can paint on almost anything with gouache, but typically people use a watercolor, mixed media, or bristol paper.
Some Artists:
The professor I had:
James Martin