Slowvember WIP
Okay, this is my first time posting work here. I was randomly inspired to do the Slowvember prompt and threw this together today. I am in the middle of watching the new composition class, so I wanted something to work on to try to implement those principles. And I’m going to attempt to paint it and finish it since I have abandoned my last several illustrations halfway through and my confidence with finishing stuff is at an all time low.
I’m hoping that by deliberately working through each step of the process I can break the failure streak.
Any feedback welcome. I already see stuff I want to change. Thanks!
@kristin-wauson I really like this! My only recommendations at this point would be that the shadow under the child and bear may be a little dark and maybe the child could be turned toward the viewer a bit in order to see some of the face (still keeping the hug of course). I'm excited to see where this goes from here!
@Kristin-Wauson i like it too! I didn’t pick up that what was going on is a hug. I read it as touching vs hugging. Could the hug be stronger? Might bathe bear show someone leaning in to the hug? I also think. That the volume of empty space on top is s little bigger but pretty close to the volume of space on the bottom. Do you have details planned to make those volumes be s bit more differentiated? I’m hoping you’ll keep going so we can watch this come to big life.
@kristin-wauson I like were this is going. I love winter themes like this. Are you planning on adding text at the top right? If not maybe cropping the image would work. There is also a little tension with the trees on the right with the top of the mountains. Maybe add a little more mountains on that side.
I look forward to seeing it colored. Do you plan on adding the northern lights up in the sky, that would look cool.
@ajillustrates thank you! Great suggestions. Maybe I can rotate the whole floating ice island some to see her face. I will play with it.
@susan-marks when I drew it I was thinking she was touching him with one hand and reaching out the other hand to be sniffed. Maybe it should be more of a hug? Good observation on the S. I don’t have anything planned
... If you have any suggestions I’m all ears. Thank you for your feedback!
@chip-valecek I hadn’t planned on adding text but maybe I should. I am lacking illustrations with text in my portfolio. I agree the trees are too close to the mountains. Good eye. And great suggestion on the northern lights. That might be a great detail to distinguish top half of composition from the bottom. Thank you!
@kristin-wauson When a small child hugs a large animal they spread theirs out very wide like they are trying to wrap around it. They also will turn their head sideways and press into the fur. You could have her feeding the bear a fish
@rcartwright true. I had not intended it to be a hug originally, but I might change it now that it has been brought into question. Thank you!
Here it is with some changes.
@kristin-wauson great changes! Looking forward to seeing it colored.
Thanks for your help!
@kristin-wauson I really love this. Such a sweet image. I liked the original one but the changes are a great improvement.
@eli Thanks so much for your comments!
I don’t have any criticism to offer. I just wanted to chime in and say how lovely this image is. The feeling and the style is great. I love the look on both faces. The look is exactly the look I love in a picture book. Can’t wait to see the rest.
Aw, thank you so much @JennyJones! I appreciate it.
It looks lovely! :))
A truly sweet drawing that fits right into the winter-holiday theme! There's nothing that I could add or take away!
It faintly reminded me of a Soviet cartoon about a little bear and a little Chukcha boy's friendshipalways makes me cry for some reason -
@mountainbeehive Thank you! I’ll have to look up that cartoon. We watch a lot of Masha and the Bear which might have influenced this piece some.
Here’s where it stands. I’m not sure if it needs something or if I should call it done. Nothing ever looks finished to me. Critiques welcome.