I super love your forms and lines. It feels very professional and gives the impression that you put real thought into every element here. It makes me want to look around more and notice things like the piled up dishes, the mouse in the cupboard, and the slightly messed up tablecloth.
I think the mourning could be exaggerated just a touch more. At first blush (without reading anything) I was thinking that the little girl was listening to a ghost in the empty chair or that she had just noticed the ghost. I don't think that is the story you are trying to narrate. My art is nowhere near your style, but I did a quick take on what more sadness would look like in the face of the little girl and the man.
The poses are just perfect in my estimation and I wouldn't change a thing. I just added a little bit more droop to the outside of the eyes and i even moved the brows down on the man and tilted them a touch.
You are really on to something here. Very nice work.