365 Day project to product.
The colouring book is almost ready! I have a few more pages to finish so getting to the finish line. These are the front cover ideas. Which one is best?
Congratulations on finishing this project! I like the first version best.
@judy-elizabeth-wilson I like the first one as well!
I like the first one but I'm wondering if a less saturated orange or the yellow green color on the birds would be nice. Very sweet illustrations
I like the second one. Itβs a coloring book, I want more of the linework. The title is yelling at me with the orange. But i do like the coloring in the images for the cover. Looks great. And I want a coloring book! Let us know where to order one!!! Great job.
I like the second one! Great job!!!
@judy-elizabeth-wilson Judy, I am so impressed by how you took this project to a product! I like #1 the best, it grabs me . I am in awe of artists who achieve the kind of consistency and cohesiveness that is apparent in this coloring book. Congratulations!
I like #1 as well! It recalls to the the tiger and puts more emphasis on him rather than the other characters
This is such lovely artwork, really great work! -
Congrats on finishing this project! I like the second one better because the orange is a little overwhelming. The simple white background makes the title easier to read.
Thanks so much for everyone's comments. I really appreciate your ideas and I have on purpose waited to have another look at the cover. Here is what I think is the final final with a lighter level green that hopefully isn't as bright and contrasting as the orange so you can read the title and also let's little tiger come to the front more. Phew. All the illustrations are drawn. There are 50. They took a while to draw as I reformatted them all into a square, I sketched them all over the place with different size sketchbooks. Lesson learned! Thanks again for everyone's comments, they helped guide my thought with this. Also would love to hear if you like this green one or the orange. Thanks.
Congrats! Perhaps try making the text orange with no βblobβ or orange blob with white text.
The softer green blob works better with the black text.
Hello Judy! I am really impressed by your project turned into product. Awesome! I like the first picture (orange) better : it is more eye-catching and joyful. I would maybe change the font? To me, the font is working on white and green, but not on orange.
It's so great to hear that this project is almost ready. The illustrations look awesome.
I like the cover, but I feel as though the font isn't working in my opinion. Have you tried to write it by hand? I think that could fit in much better with the style you have in the book.
Congratulations! I have a couple of girls who would love to color these images (me too). Make sure to keep us posted as to how we can get a book. It would be so fun to color and even more so coming from a fellow SVS-er.
Thanks so much @julia Yeah, I changed from the orange background to the green to make the font come forward and on advice from various comments that the orange background takes attention from tiger at the top of the page. It's hard choosing colours. I always loved the orange to. I will think about the font and see what I can come up with. Thank you!
Hey @gary-wilkinson Thanks so much. Yeah, almost at the finish line. In your opinion is it that the text is hard to read or just not that fabulous for this project. I'm feeling a bit stumped with fonts and text in general, I have found a weak spot! So okay, I did this text by hand on the cintiq, if I draw it again by hand would you think something bigger or how would you do it? I really appreciate your comments because I know this final tweeks are going to make the difference. Thank you!
Hey @JennyJones Thank you. Tiger's colouring will be ready before we know it and I will certainly let you know.
Finally! The Little Tiger and Friends Coloring Book is done. A year and a half after starting a drawing everyday project. I'm so happy to have a finished product to hold and it's nice to see everything all together and in one place. (https://www.amazon.com/dp/0997872993)
Thanks to everyone who came along for this ride and commented on the early doodles!