@bichonbistro Oh, right! I was thinking of the regular contest posts.
@mrsdion your entry is definitely not here
I hope @Lee-White doesnt mind if I put @mrsdion 's image up. Please let me know and I can delete it if you'd like to be the one to repost. It just didn't seem right for it to be excluded from voting if it was easy enough to put up from the other thread.
@miriam they can upvote the same image by signing in using several accounts, you know. also having family and friends upvote their post....which wouldn't be fair.
As nutty as this sounds, the only way I can get a good idea of all the entries is to go to the slideshow and download every image into a folder on my computer. From there I can enlarge the images to whatever size I want, scroll through them quickly, select "finalists" into a subfolder and then compare those. It's a bit time consuming, and I haven't finished deciding yet, but it helps and it sure beats waiting for the page to load!
Turning on pagination helps too, but it still takes a while.
@lauraa this is basically what I did!! except I saved my finalists directly to the folder
@kathrynadebayo @mrsdion So sorry! Pleae post it and i will move it up with the others! Sorry Christine!!!
@lee-white @KathrynAdebayo Thank you for posting my entry Kathryn. Lee it's just above this post. Seems to be a recurring problem with my work! My work was deleted when I took the Book Cover class too!
This post is deleted! -
@mrsdion I tired to move it up in thread, but I'm having trouble doing it. They make these boards so clumsy!!
I don't see it here but my third vote is for the comic style strip in black and white of the martial arts ending with string practice, I am sorry I have forgotten the artist
Love seeing all these votes, let's keep 'em coming!
Looks like my entry never made it in. Did I violate a rule or something?
@jabbernewt oh no!
Well, I saw it in the slide show, but not in the feed here. Even tried the pagination technique
@jabbernewt Mine too. Someone else ended up reposting it for me but it was no where near the other entries. Sorry it happened to you too.
Perhaps @Jabbernewt and @mrsdion should earn a free month's subscription or some sort of other recognition for not having their entries equally available to be voted for? @Lee-White probably already has something in mind, but I have an annoyingly deep sense of justice that won't leave me alone unless I suggest something.
SVS isn't to blame, I think. I doubt the creators of the forum software intended to have large-scale gallery-style voting threads, however, so if any blame can be placed it's simply on the incompatibility of the forum with the intended... well, forum-like function.
...I will admit, being in college would make receiving a free month of SVS great, but I wouldn't feel able to ask for such a thing, really. The forum functions independently of the classes for the most part, it seems, so it's okay.