Fall WIP Pumpkin Patricia
I wanted to do a Fall character that isnt spooky but is sorta like Grandpa Winter.
@swordofodin is she going to be painting the leaves fall colors? Thats a really cool concept.
Neat idea! Like how it's turning out so far.
@chip-valecek yes exactly! Shes not scary she just dislikes green
I like the old-fashioned feel of this image, and I love your style of linework. Your sky is great, captured with lines!
Do you have any roughs (thumbnails or initial sketch) you’d be willing to share, for us less experienced folks who might appreciate the extra insight on process?
@riftweaver I have roughs on pumpkin patricia and also some little houses I did but not of this piece. I’ll post them for you later if you’d like
Oh! I love the oldie feel, So excited to see the process!
@riftweaver I realized that I didn’t do much preliminary drawings, I am sorry, I thought I did. So here is just the updated progress so far instead
I’m open to critiques, especially color theory related ones
I'm concerned she might be too close to the edge, especially with the ladder and paintbrush pointing right. It kind of leads the eye off the page.
I LOVE this concept. And that cottage is so cute, without distracting from the main subject. Excellent line work.
I can't wait to see how it comes along.
@swordofodin I appreciate the thought.
@debra-garcia yeah I did that deliberately to see if I can make it feel like she has a long way to go
My story behind the character was that she's a forgotten symbol of autumn so she kind of does this long tedious job of changing all the colors of the trees and no one acknowledges her hard work. Sorta kinda maybe? I'm not so great at character backstories but I thought it would be a fun idea.