Oh wow!! I totally screamed when I saw this, and may have possibly scared my kids. Thank you so much for the kind words everyone. I'm humbled and honored to have even made the list. The level of talent at SVS is incredible. Thanks for helping me become a better artist.
OMG!!! I was ecstatic when i saw this. This is the first time i ever won anything in these contests. Thank you so much to everyone. This is a such a huge motivator for me to keep honing my craft. Again, thank you so much!
Congrats all you great artists and thanks for judging and the insightful comments, Lee
congrats everyone! good works!
What fun the ideas and techniques so different. excellent work!
Yay! Well done all! Thanks For the honourable mention Lee!
That's encouraging!
So nice to learn from all the submissions this month. It's a great help to see everyone's take on the prompt and to watch some pieces unfold in work-in-progress threads. -
Is there a contest this month?
@artwithashley I love your concept. Very well done!!! Great work.
Really great work from all the finalist and honorable mentions. Thank you Lee for the write up every month on each piece. It's very helpful and educational for everyone. Bravo!
I love these contests! Stellar work everyone, and Thanks @Lee-White for putting this together and your write up.
@artwithashley I KNEW when I saw yours that it would be a serious contender!! Wasn't surprised at all when you won first place!
@tom-shannon - Hey Thanks Tom! I totally had a chuckle from your work this last contest. It's like Ratatouille meets Hairspray. So fun.
@Eli - Thank you for your kind comment. I've been having some massive self doubt the last few months with my art. This was a huge boost and I really am so humbled to read your post. Thank you.
I love looking at new fresh creative art - these are great! I'm really inspired by the dedication to these competitions! Great work!
Wow, solid entries every one of them!
@artwithashley I love yours. It was a lot of fun digging around visually looking for that wolf.
@nyrrylcadiz I think this one was my favorite. Great illustration.
@holleywilliamson lot of fun. Really like the white bg. works well for this piece.
No name: clever take on the topic! I could totally see this in any magazine for kids.
@Adrian-K I totally didn't see the other mice on the first pass. Great rendering and nice composition.
@KathrynAdebayo really great that you went hard with the graphic design element of this. I love it when illustrators are able to blend graphic design with their illustration.
@thekidfromthe80s I like the uplight on this. Really makes it feel ominous.
@rachy This reminds me of a dream I have from time to time where my house fills with water and I can breath under water.
@Art-of-B I love this! Looks like a cover of a graphic novel.
Great work everyone!
It's always so fascinating to me how differently each artist approaches the same topic. Love all the work selected. And congratulations to @artwithashley @nyrrylcadiz and @holleywilliamson.
@jake-parker Thank you so much! That really means a lot coming from you! This is such a confidence boost.
@johanna-kim Thank you so much! Iām very happy you like it!
Thank you as well to everyone. To everyone who participated, great job!
Beautiful stuff! Congratulations everyone. I'm a bit late postng as I have been away from the inernet for a while, Such beautiful, thoughtful compositions.