Lee White SVS Team SVS Instructor Pro SVS OG last edited by Lee White 8 Aug 2018, 17:52 8 Aug 2018, 17:49
Hey guys! The results are in and I'm excited to show you the winners. This was an interesting contest and I loved seeing all the different ideas that were submitted.
As always, it's a tough thing to judge and of course my opinion is only one person's take on it. I welcome you guys to comment with your winning lists if you don't agree with mine. (but then I will delete your account). Just kidding! I think it's healthy to have multiple views on this.
So here we go:
Winner: Ashley Moore @artwithashley
Ashley knocked it out of the park with this one. The composition technique of establishing a pattern and then breaking it is a very strong tool to design with and this showcases that. It hits the "hidden" subject matter perfectly too! Then the technique is very consistent with stylized patterns and lovely calligraphic outlines. Great work Ashley!
2nd Place: Nyrryl Cadiz @nyrrylcadiz
Heartwarming image here by Nyrryl. Soft lighting and a great color balance are what drew me to this one. It looks like there is so much story here and it makes me want to know what happens next.
3rd Place: Holly Williamson @holleywilliamson
The stylization here and overall concept are working so well for this image. Holly created some great characters and then added that sneaky witch into the trees which is a great visual solution to "hidden".Honorable Mentions (in no particular order):
No name on this one, but I love the energy. The "hidden" theme on this one is subtle and took me a second to figure out (which makes an image very interesting to me!). Having all the people on greenish floats and then the real monster back there is very smart!
Adrian Kuhn @Adrian-K
I could look at this one for days! It's so beautifully drawn and the design is so sensitive. I am terrified for those mice! Owls be cray-cray and they are really fierce!
Kathryn Adebayo @KathrynAdebayo
Very cool image and works well as an illustration. I really enjoy seeing solutions that highlight design in an interesting way. The little heart in the woods is a lovely payoff for the search.
One of my favorite themes in books and movies is when someone good is forced to do something bad (which is essentially the theme behind Breaking Bad). The other option there is when someone bad is forced to do something good. If you are writing your own stories, either of these is a great place to start. This image is so cool and Little Red looks very confident in her abilities.Rachel Blackwell @rachy
This intriquing underwater scene is so cool. I looked at it for a long time and liked it more and more as I made up stories about what is happening. The book spilling out into real life is a great concept and Rachel did a great job with it.
Braden Hallett @Art-of-B
Please send this to nickolodean or some other animation studio so they will animate it!!!! Wonderful palette to up the suspense and mood!OK Rabbits, that's all for now. Keep up the great work. I'll be announcing a new topic later today!
great job everybody! and congrats @artwithashley
Congrats to @artwithashley and well done for the other mentions!
Congrats to all
Sweet! Thank you for the honourable mention @Lee-White
Congrats to all!
Great job everyone! I do not envy Lee having to choose-so much talent here!
Thanks @Lee-White! Congrats to all the winners! It was fun to see the different concepts around Hidden!
Awesome pieces! Such a fun theme to work with. Well done, all!!
Congrats @artwithashley, its a great piece! Congrats to everyone else as well!
Yes, you guys! Congratulations! I love the different styles represented here.
Congratulations everyone! @Lee-White I love to read your impressions of each piece! Very cool!
@juliepeelart I agree, I suggest he does an impression for each piece submitted moving forward LOL
Good job everybody!
Great job everyone! Congratulations, @artwithashley! And as always, thanks to the team at SVS Learn for always pushing us on to try, learn and be!
congrats @artwithashley ! well done everyone! looking forward to this month's prompt
Congratulations!!! @artwithashley, @nyrrylcadiz, & @holleywilliamson. What a pleasure for the eyes.
@Art-of-B I love the colors and composition on this wonderful imagery.
Good Job everyone!
Such great work!
Lots of great work here. Congratulations to the winners!