Octopus Sandwich WIP
@late2theparty I would change the color of the octopus. It gets a little lost against the lettuce.
@chip-valecek I agree. Something red would look great
@nyrryl-cadiz @Chip-Valecek the idea was that some octopus camouflage themselves around their surroundings... i like the red idea though... i can select the octopus and adjust its hue to red i believe... check back in a few... thank you both...
@late2theparty I really like the way you have drawn and coloured octopus sandwich. However I am not sure of rendering on the boy and the background. It feels like there is too much color there and takes focus from the sandwich. It could be also difference in texture, which is nice on the sandwich but almost flat on the rest of drawing. You are close to very cool drawing tho!
@late2theparty Thant's a great idea. Wouldn't it be great if the octopus is copying the burger's overall color? that would be fun
@chip-valecek @Nyrryl-Cadiz here it is in red now... which one looks best?
I'm also trying to decide which on of these to enter into the Feb challenge... the other one is http://forum.svslearn.com/topic/5544/octopus-for-dinner/12 ... any favorite?
@late2theparty I like the idea of the red octopus drawing attention to be the focal point. For narrative purposes maybe it was copying a tomato. When it was green I think the eyes had to search to long for the beginning and end of the octopus and the lettuce.
The red works much better.
- 8 days later
Ha! I saw this post and had to add it just for fun... Curious Octopus on Reddit this morning
@late2theparty Ha! I saw that and wanted to post it also, but couldn't get it to work. Glad you did!
@eli only wish i could have figured out how to post the video here and not just the link... ah well... pretty cool vid...
Another funny vid of an octopus running... https://i.imgur.com/hO56wvK.gifv ... where were all of these earlier when we needed them?