29 Sept 2015, 10:53

So, here is where I am:
wannabe-illustrator but not much time for it right now, so my main focus for the moment is to improve my art and make about 10 strong illustrations to build my portfolio.
I feel like I have learned a lot in the last few months, taking Will Terry's classes and plan to learn some more when I can afford to subscribe to SVS (in a few months hopefully).
My weak points, I think, are colours, I definitely need to work on that a lot, and also get better at perspectives. I would say my strong points are shapes (actual drawing) and I don't think I'm too bad at compositions and characters expressions (hope I'm not fooling myself there! 😛 )
Here are 2 illustrations I've made so far, which are part of a serie of portraits (3 or 4, not sure yet)

And another illustration I'm working on, I'm on the first stages of colouring now

Please don't hesitate to tell what you think, good or bad. I need a neutral eye on what I do. thanks!

Apart from this project, I'm taking the Jake Parker's "design 100 somethings challenge" , I've decided to draw 100 children. 2 done so far, 98 to go! 😃 I might also colour some of them here and there