Inktober is Coming Up!!
@Jake-Parker So looking forward to seeing your work this year for Inktober 2015!
I'm hoping to participate and I would encourage all the other artists in these forums to do the same.
whats inktober?
@Leontine-Gaasenbeek if you go to you can read all about it, but basically you do an ink drawing everyday for the month of October.
Edit: Inktober on pinterest
Yay! I can't wait to play! I've had some ideas brewing for ink monotypes that I'm dying to try!
One thing I always mention to my students during inktober, is to be careful of doing an average painting/drawing a day when you could do 2 or 3 AWESOME paintings in a week. In other words, watch out for trying to fill quantity without the focus on quality.
That said, I love inktober because I just love ink in general and seeing what everyone does with it is fantastic!
I'm planning to do it this year! I'm asking for prompts on my blog if anyone wants to leave one:
So excited!! Got my pens ready and paper eagerly waiting hehe
@Sarah-LuAnn Done!
So looking forward to inktober! Be sure to hashtag Inktober everywhere so we can check it out
Hell yea! Supplies ready...inking like a pro is downloading...aaand I have 2 illustration done already in case I am not be able to keep up
@Jiří-Kůs Heeeeeey! No head starts!!!
lol Nice work on the cover!
@Lynn-Larson Its not head start, its training
Its just so scarry to be able to create one image and ink it a day. So I am trying get used to everyday drawing. If it goes well I'll do the inktober + stuff I did in September as a bonus
@Jiří-Kůs Oh, i agree with you on the scary part! I have a sketchbook sitting next to me every day, and i'm lucky if i open it every 3rd day. We can do this!! That is the point of InkTober after all
Will there be one thred to post on or do we make new subjects each time a person submits something for inktober?
so looking forward to pushing myself even harder. This will be perfect for mh portfolio.
Yes! I'm so excited for this.
Watching "How to Ink" now. I keep looking at different pens thinking that will make my drawing better. But really, nothing can do that but practice. And Inktober will be a great way to practice!
Can't wait to join in and see what everyone else creates.
@Nille-Horgen I think we should do our own threads. With all of us planning on trying it, and with 31 images each, a single thread could get rather bulky hehe.
Whaaaaa?! I didn't now Jake created Inktober. This is gonna be rad. Is There gonna be a single thread for all the Inktober entries in the SVS forums?
Maybe it should have it's own category, like 3rd Thursday has.
a chategory sounds like a good idea @DanetteDraws