The Man Behind the Curtain...another Oz piece
Pretty close to done with him I think....this is Oz the man from Nebraska - I put this up on my portfolio site just to see if he was fitting in with the rest of the Oz series - he is a bit more rendered than some but maybe its o.k.? maybe I just need to add some darker darks in the clothing now that I see him next to me while I type...weird how putting an image up here on the forum helps me see my mistakes - I've actually finally started to put the Kindle Ebook together...figured out how to make a clickable linked table of contents for the chapters (a small victory)and may do one for the illustrations as well (not sure)...and by "figured out" I mean I watched a bunch of youtube videos until something finally clicked :). If anyone is up for checking my portfolio site and seeing if this Oz portrait is fitting into the series that would be awesome! - I also finished the "Hammerhead" drawing - he is more rough lines which I like ... a bit more energetic - anyways ...any feedback is always welcome and much appreciated
here is the original sketch
@kevin-longueil I think it fits great. I would try to make the wrinkles on the forehead a little darker or defined. They same to get washed out a little. Also maybe bring in some darker values into the outfit.
@chip-valecek Thank you Chip - I really appreciate the feedback and you taking the time to check the site for me - i’ll keep at it
@Kevin-Longueil Your renderings of the Oz characters are amazing, individualized, and very unique - I definitely think this one fits in well with the others! -
Hey I tried using an old portrait technique on this (crudely) Might help the character pop from the page though.
@laurie Thank you so much Laurie! - i really appreciate the feedback and kind words!
@Jason-Bowen Thank you for the feedback and draw over Jason! - i see your point - i do tend to go too dark (i think i'll need to send most of my Oz images through "curves" before i call them done