August Illustration Contest: Worst Fear
@cherylpilgrim Your image is likely too big. Try to keep it 1200 px or less on it's longest side.
@mikeblakestudio you dog you!!! This is amazing> composition > concept > colors > etc
@j-sienkowski love this
@lee-white ok thank you! Finally got it to work on my phone.
Most of the scary things Ive heard about have been done by humans. So, people is what I fear the most.
IG: funnybunnystudio -
@nowayme dead on!!! Love this one. The expressions are perfect, and the girl in the image is incredibly endearing. That is hard to pull off. It also helps that the girl reminds me of my wife
Slideshow is up at any last submissions will be added in the morning.
So many great entries this month, it's been a pleasure learning and sharing ideas with everyone. Can't wait for next month's project to start
@nowayme Awesome work. Great subject and balance of colors. It's exactly how I imagine American schools
@FunnyBunny Great switcharoo concept Reminds me of Monsters Inc.
@mcucchi I love the scene and simple colors in this piece. It's how I use to feel walking down to the bathroom at night.
@MikeBlakeStudio Really interesting style. I love the expression of the kid at the back.
@ArmedCadaver I can definitely relate to a fear of the sea
ummm i guess it might be late but I post it here anyway.
title: dad's Monster
Amy Ryu
instagram : @amyhereandthere
website: -
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@chip-valecek you are awesome thanks again for doing the slide show
The quality of submissions in this contest is really great, it's great to see all these different art styles , good luck to everyone and thanks to chip-valecek for the slideshow.