21 Jun 2017, 20:38

Hi @collector, I was showing my sister this forum earlier and she read your post. She exclaimed: "that's me! I have the same problem!". (regarding the never ending collecting thing).

I've been going though similar thing about not learning Blender 3D for ages due to fear about it (it will be hard, I don't have the time, what's the point, my work will be horrible etc....), but in the past few days I forced myself to just get started with it just to see what happens without the pressure of thinking I have to be an expert before I even begin (which is impossible anyway), and I surprised myself by getting a lot further with it than I thought I would and breaking the initial fear of it all which is encouraging me to keep going with it. I think this post helped me realize I had the same issues to work out.

So I know how frustrating it is to begin learning something completely new and I'm glad that you had a go at drawing something, it's definitely a great start.
I watched this video today and I thought it might help you as well:
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Artists