16 Sept 2017, 19:31

A few pieces from my Instagram, which I did in the past 47 days https://www.instagram.com/ceowannabeartist/. I've been trying to draw for more than a decade and now in a month I did more than I did in the past decade (i.e. in the past decade I never did a single piece), just by a few changes:

  • Drawing is 90% seeing, 10% drawing.
  • Use references, draw a LOT from life, like ALL the time.
  • Abandoned digital, went to traditional.
  • Change subjects and media daily. But to be honest, I'm now mostly in love with watercolor. Still waiting for my acrylic materials to be delivered.
  • Do not try to draw a body/face/eye/whatever, draw the shapes you see.
  • Not perfect? Fuck it, just do it.
  • Draw daily or you failed: to avoid losing track, I bought a tiny pocket sketchbook, to do scribbles/rough sketches wherever I am.

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