@smceccarelli I have seen the schoolism model. Those guys are great and I'm friends with them. but man are they charging a fortune. Basically $1000 for video feedback and the classes are actually $15 subscription PER CLASS. You can only take one at a time. You can take two classes if you want, but now it's $30 a month, and so on. You can change courses for the single charge, but it's a clunky business model.
I do like the model that you can watch the lecture at your leisure though. I thought it might be nice to have "office hours" where I'm logged on and you guys can ask questions live. I really want there to be a "face to face" component.
@QuietYell If you have questions about any video, please don't hesitate to ask in the forums!
@artspreadsjoy The photoshop and painting classes are great, but a LOT of people need a feedback component in order to really improve. There have been many times in classes I've taught where I did a demo, explained every step, and then given the exact same project as an inclass exercise and people's work is all over the place. I need to be able to say "You need to adjust this thing" to each person depending on what they are doing wrong (or could be doing better). Watching videos is great, but the real learning is in doing and correcting.