Does Lucy look confident to you?
Hello all - tried to draw my character sketch of Lucy into a new pose - my questions are - does one or the other sketch look more like she is confident?.... the change is really only in her one raised eyebrow - seems to make a difference though - also does the sketch look like it could be the same girl (i know its rough) - anyways thank you for your help - i really appreciate it
I think the one is the middle solves your problem the most. The one with the raised eyebrow is a more of a questioning look I feel. (it's what I do when I look at someone crazy lol) I really like both of them.
The middle is the best, i get the feeling like she is thinking "I got this!"
@Kevin-Longueil it definitely looks like the same girl, nice job Kevin! I too like the middle one for looking confident.
You did a great job on these. Nice work. Looking forward to seeing this months entry.
@KamiLyon @Thrace @Chip-Valecek thank you for the feedback! - very helpful - it looks like the middle drawing is the expression i should go with - You nailed it Chip - "I got this" is exactly what i was shooting for!
@evilrobot Thanks Evilrobot! - my idea is that her face will be the main focal point - might end up being a weak composition but i'll give it a shot