Where's My Purse!? -3rd Thurs
lol,, I love this idea!!!
I like this idea and I think your drawing is great! I would introduce some more characters who show their reaction to what she has brought.
@Naroth-Kean This was my other layout idea. but i'm not sure it reads all that well as her mom.
Very nice. To me it was clear that she is her mom. They are pretty look alike and the expression on the womans face is exactly a moms expression.
absolutely love the concept! really fun!
Perhaps, rather than showing the mother, it might be fun to show some/one of Haven's classmates/friends in the background, having a grand ol' time, examining the contents that Haven is passing out for inspection - eg, trying on mum's lipstick, tossing money in the air, looking at mum's cell phone, examining credit cards, trying on sun glasses, using keys for earrings, etc, etc?
great idea!
EDIT: just noticed that this month's type of image is a "spot illustration" so perhaps my suggestion might be too complicated.
This is a fun idea! I agree with the earlier comments about some reaction/other characters...I'd like to get some idea visually, without knowing the SVS prompt, that this is a show and tell at school, and not a child emptying her mum's purse for fun at home...I know it's a spot illustration but perhaps a couple of classmates, one of them about to take the glasses from her hand, another as @Nancy-Gormezano suggests, trying on some lipstick..it would be fun! ...and you wouldn't need a full-on background to do that. Will be good to see where this goes
thanks for the suggestions! I think i can swing it.
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This is great! Made me laugh out loud. I love kids. This is so something that my kids would do. Ha! I showed my husband and he loved it too.
I like this idea but I didn't get that it was her mom's purse until the second image. I figured it was a girl going through her own purse or backpack trying to find the show and tell thing.
One idea may be to have her looking at the audience (us) holding some of the different objects in her hand (with the rest of it spread out like that). One of the things should probably be a driver's license or some other clearly adult thing (and no that's not what I meant) and maybe make her more childlike so it is clear it isn't her purse.
Just some suggestions.
YES! Good concept, though I agree with others about having kids' reaction in the image.
@Damien-Rambacher Pareidolia!
Great suggestions everyone! I'll give them a shot. Thank you
I really do! It's very much kids in a classroom! Great gestures on all of them!
Yes! I like the addition of the other kids.
The characters are awesome! nice idea!
Great drawing! Love the characters! I really don't have anything to critique... I love it!