I almost made that mistake too when I made my very first comment! It's the 2nd to last icon (next to the smiley face), if you hover over it it says "upload image". If you notice there's two "image" icons, one horizontal and one vertical. You'll want to click on the vertical one.
June's contest! / Albert
Hi guys!
I am new here, this is my first contest entry so it is quite exciting for me!!
I have just submitted my work, seems all good but my jpeg file is around 250 kb only.. is it something to worry about?..If you could give me a FEEDBACK I would be very grateful!
My character is ALBERT THE ALPACA!
He was lost from his farm as a baby and raised by wild Mountain Goats. That's the reason he has a helmet - he needed extra protection as alpacas are naturally not good climbers at all )) Also he had to find a wooden stick in a shape of a goat's horn to mark it every year of his life, coz that's how goats check their age - by a number of rings on their horns!
Now he got back to the farm and trying to learn how to live a life as an alpaca again )Thanks for reading trough! Good luck in this contest if you participate!
omg I LOVE the idea of the alpaca (they're such cool animals!), and the helmet/wooden stick ideas are great... I really like that you gave a reason for it.
I think that's okay that your file is that small, did you save it in photoshop? I'm a retoucher and if my photos have limited colours they're never more than 200kb-ish and I save at 80% quality.
@Sabrina-Gosselin thank you so much, Sabrina!! I saved it in Procreate, so it ended up too small.. but hopefully it's not a big deal!
By the way, do you know by chance how to insert an image to the forum post? I could manage to insert the link only.. -
I almost made that mistake too when I made my very first comment! It's the 2nd to last icon (next to the smiley face), if you hover over it it says "upload image". If you notice there's two "image" icons, one horizontal and one vertical. You'll want to click on the vertical one.
@Sabrina-Gosselin I found the icon, but it gives me an error.. probably I still didn't get an access to it as I have just registered in this forum today.. I'll wait a bit and try again later. Many thanks for helping me out
@Irina-Demirci-Pak ooh that might be it!
I love the fact you made up a full story for him! It definitely shows in the drawings!
good job!
@Irina-Demirci-Pak Sometimes when I get an error, I have to refresh the page before I can upload. It also may give you an error if you haven't selected a category. The link worked well, though and your alpaca is delightful.
@mag many thanks, Mag
this is my first character design so I took it responsibly
@demotlj yaay, this actually worked!! Thank u so much