Polor Bear book
This is a children's book i did last year, I am still new to children's books and want to do a lot more dramatic camera angles in my work. But this is why I am here to learn from the best. Hope you like them.
@Lee-Holland Your pictures are so lovely. Looks like a sweet, happy book. I can easily imagine myself curling up with my son when he was younger and reading this. (Nowadays, he only wants books with villains and explosions.)
thats really nice, also the palette is lovely
Great sense of color!
What a charming character! I especially like the under water illustration.
I love the underwater ones as well! Such cute bears.
@K.-W. thanks K.w
Thank you all for your kind words. I love this community of people.
Nice Lee! Loving your sense of color and design!
Nicely done Lee!
Beautiful Illustrations Lee!
very cool! I like thoses bears !
What can I say but wow, very good. Love the atmosphere.
Your illustrations are gorgeous!
Love those scenes and the color choice. The bears are very lovely as well.
These are beautiful!
@Vicky-Vicky Thank you Vicky.
Hi Lee, These illustrations are so lovely! Do you have the book finished yet? Would like to order it. as you go you'll find more ways to find different camera angles, I'am sure of that! Love the rendering! Keep up the good work!
Really nice work
@Leontine-Gaasenbeek Hi Leontine.
Thanks for you reply
This book is out now on amazon Called (Just me and you). I haven't done lots of books yet but the more i do the more i will get better. I have been lucky as I have Four to work on for publishers this year .