colour comp critique most appreciated
Hi guys! I've been working on daily colour thumbs (comps, I guess) and I like this one enough to wanna take it to finish. Before I start doing lines and deets and all the rest of it, I'd love it if anyone has any constructive feedback
It's meant to be just a kind of idyllic ranch scene. A day at work on a hot summer day (with one hand perhaps lazier than the other).
I still see no critique category or tag, lol.
Thanks in advance
@Braden-Hallett I think the color composition is really great. Nice use of tertiary colors.
Maybe you could just darken the mountain a little bit more to distinguish it's values from the sky? If that's what you want.
And maybe for the pile of grass that's closest to us, maybe darken it's value so our attention can be geared towards the animals and people on the ranch? Just a suggestion.
@Braden-Hallett this looks super good to me... if you added slightly more to the eyes I would call it finished for childrenβs book style lines needed...though you are a master of line ( and color too) it feels really idyllic at the moment ...and it is a very quiet scene too - the lines will definitely add a huge amount of energy and focus which is probably what you are going for ....but I just thing for me it looks almost finishes...and awesome... i think charming would be a good word to add
@Braden-Hallett Looks good! I might try and lighten the very top of the sky a tiny bit though to give that mountain and the bunny's left ear a bit more visible definition.
@Michael-Angelo-Go Thanks for the feedback
I like the idea of darkening the foreground grass to kinda connect the characters.
@Kevin-Longueil Thanks man
I'm trying to hold back on the lines until the very end, so it's good to know that it works now. Once I start painting full size I'll see how far I can go without resorting to the pencil
@jdubz Good call! Thank you
@Braden-Hallett this is gorgeous. I see no other issue.
@Braden-Hallett Is great, I love it!
@Nyrryl-Cadiz Awesome! Thanks
I feel kinda hesitant to post this, since what you have here is good, and from your body of work you seem to have a very established color palette, and this illustration does play nicely with your other stuff.
However, if you wanted to explore something a little different to hit the "warmth and idylic" aspect, you could try to make this image a bit warmer?
This might just be my stylistic opinion, but here is a side by side comparison to show what I mean
@carlianne @Braden-Hallett I was going to mention the sky feels's where my attention went first. Overall great design. The giant bunnies crack me up.
@carlianne @Braden-Hallett --just my personal preference, but I love how Carlianne has warmed up the palette. The purpler (is that a word?) mountain really plays off the yellow, the characters pop, and you have that nice contrast when playing with complimentary colors. (The rabbits might be a smidge too red, but again, this is all personal preference.)
Both palettes work beautifully. Warming it up does change the feel slightly and adds some background depth. But Braden, do your thing! This piece is going to be amazing no matter what you decide to do.
@Braden-Hallett -- love this comp, and hesitate to pick on it, but I will!
Just wanted to mention one thing, and it's really nitpicky, but ... where are the shadows?
You've set the barn basically on the base of the mountain. If a mountain that big were that close, with a strong light source coming from the right, where is the shadow it's casting? Wouldn't the midground field, which is currently the lightest yellow and which seems to be sitting slightly behind the mountain, be mostly in shadow? If so, that would really change your values on the left side of the comp.
Guess if you're going to address it, now would be the time to do so, which is why I'm bringing it up. Honestly, though, love your work!
@Braden-Hallett Wow! This is amazing! I donβt have any suggestions about what to change or add. I think carlianneβs input was fantastic and that warmer palette would make for a great sunset feel.
@carlianne said in colour comp critique most appreciated:
I feel kinda hesitant to post this, since what you have here is good, and from your body of work you seem to have a very established color palette, and this illustration does play nicely with your other stuff.
However, if you wanted to explore something a little different to hit the "warmth and idylic" aspect, you could try to make this image a bit warmer?
This might just be my stylistic opinion, but here is a side by side comparison to show what I mean
Interesting! Thanks for the feedback. I'll definitely play around with some color overlays
@Melissa-Bailey-0 said in colour comp critique most appreciated:
@Braden-Hallett -- love this comp, and hesitate to pick on it, but I will!
Just wanted to mention one thing, and it's really nitpicky, but ... where are the shadows?
You've set the barn basically on the base of the mountain. If a mountain that big were that close, with a strong light source coming from the right, where is the shadow it's casting? Wouldn't the midground field, which is currently the lightest yellow and which seems to be sitting slightly behind the mountain, be mostly in shadow? If so, that would really change your values on the left side of the comp.
Guess if you're going to address it, now would be the time to do so, which is why I'm bringing it up. Honestly, though, love your work!
The light, she is coming mostly from above. Think just past noon
Though I'll definitely be sure to accentuate the shadows that are there (such as one side of the barn). Thanks for the feedback!
Thank you everyone for the feedback
It's greatly appreciated and made this one a whole lot easier to finish. Thought I'd post the final