@TessaW HHaha thank you! It will yes, I’m just figuring out the rest with silhouettes and watching the rest of the videos. I have a bit of a story for it but just focusing on the shape language for now.
Prop Design Class
I'm not done yet, my lamp turned out to be more of a character, but it can't talk and it will just zap you and run away but it does work as a lamp even if you do need to chase it down from time to time. Went through a few stages as well as I'm trying to decide what I like most for painting and colouring so let me know what you guys think! Thanks for checking this out!
Wow! This is so cool and funny.
I can't think of any critiques, but this is going to end up with other props on a table, right? I can't wait to see the rest.
@TessaW HHaha thank you! It will yes, I’m just figuring out the rest with silhouettes and watching the rest of the videos. I have a bit of a story for it but just focusing on the shape language for now.
@Paint-Doodles so creative!
Such a fun concept!!
I think this is a fun idea. If I didn’t know you were doing a lamp it would not have struck me as a lamp, I thought it was a robot. Which is fine if that’s your intention for how it looks. A good filter to use for prop design is to make sure it still reads as a lamp first and whatever the design is, second. Or make every other prop similar in material and extreme design so that the lamp doesnt feel out of place in that environment.
@ArtofAleksey oh that makes a lot of sense. I think I have an idea of how to fix that to because it’s definitely more of a robot than it is lamp.
@Paint-Doodles cool, id love to see that
@ArtofAleksey I got it toned down but then it got crazy again I hope to post soon, it’ll be a strange world. My idea was a mermaid inventor so it should fit for sure in this world. It’ll just be odd haha. I’m excited about it.