13 Jan 2020, 17:06

@LauraA thank you so much for the encouragement. It’s good to know I’m not alone in all this. I figured there was at least a few people in this amazing community who would get this. I wanted to share it because sometimes it can seem like everyone else is moving forward, plowing through the classes, doing the monthly challenges...And, it’s slipping away from just me. I know that’s not true though.
And, yes! Being a mom is pretty all consuming even on the good days. Most of the time I only get to draw when everyone is in bed for the night, but, they are precious to me and definitely take priority right now. I also need to make sure I’m taking care of myself so I have something to give them, and that’s been really difficult lately. Both my husband and I are utterly drained. But, I feel like the clouds are starting to part a bit.
It’s also a good reminder to look back and see what I’ve accomplished. I know I’ve grown over the years even if I’m not where I want to be. At this point I think I just need to set some realistic goals and aim to keep my pencil in my hand. What you said about just drawing what I can that day is perfect... I just need to let go of feeling like I have to regularly produce something I want to post on Instagram. It’s okay to be where I’m at right now, and I know it won’t always be this way. I’m also, weirdly thankful for this season. I feel like it’s been growing us as a family and deepening things. I hope that it translates into my drawing and storytelling and makes it all a bit truer and richer. ☺