@Chip-Valecek Thank you!
"Don't step on a crack, or the underworld attacks..."
A goggle search to research superstitions informed me that "Don't step on a crack" had once held the dark fear that demons would escape from the underworld if a crack was trod upon. And... Percy Jackson has been playing non-stop on audiobook over summer road trips...This is what I came up with...

@holleywilliamson love this!
Hi all! This is my first contest submission on SVS.
"Super Spy Black Cats"
Apparently, black cats can be lucky or unlucky depending on the country and culture, so I thought it would be interesting to have the cats escaping witches who are obsessed with them and pitchforks that are looking to see their end. Do you think black cats are lucky or unlucky?
Also, I just finished Jake's class "How to Draw Everything", so I tried to incorporate some of the elements I learned into this submission.
@chrisaakins yes it is digital. Thank you!
@Chip-Valecek Thank you!
@MichaelaH you did it!
@Kuarahy I would have tried this if Iโd knownโI like this!
"High Cotton, 'ol times there are not forgotten."
Living in "high cotton" meant times were good. The crops were high and there would be a good harvest. There is a song by Alabama called "High Cotton." It speaks of a family who didn't have much, but as kids they didn't know. They had a happy life with a home filled with love. When I think of my own childhood and those beautiful cotton fields I felt the same way. We had a modest life growing up. Each summer we would pile in the family van and travel down to Alabama. To a place that felt like home even though I never lived there. My Papaw, aunts and uncles and all my cousins lived there. Oh how I loved them and longed to be with our family every time I had to leave. Time has passed and those visits are far and few between, but those times will never be forgotten. This cotton collection is an homage to the family and a land I love so dear!
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@Stacey-Lynn-Schleich I love the story of this image. I would pay more attention to Skycrapers if I get a chance to visit Hong Kong again in the future.