@sarahluann haha! Yes, that’s so true! You’ve been to the Philippines?
@lenwen Oh I love this! What fun!!
@lenwen very nice
@rcartwright thank you kindly!
@Eli I am glad you like it! thank you so much -
@lenwen this is GREAT
@mzmolly thanks a lot!
@lenwen oh it is adorable. Your colours are soft and vibrant. Instead of a trim it is a touch up of paint lols. It is a very creative approach to representing the seasons change.
@heather-boyd that's very kind of you! thank you!
Laura Moss
A current WIP page from my first children's book, "Little girl. Big Feat." -
@lmossart This is beautiful. I love the movement of the leaves and the open feel of the piece. Also I checked out the link to your book illustrations. Wow! gorgeous work!
@eli that’s so cool of you to check out the page. I was working on this image the last few weeks and then yesterday I saw the fall competition and was like, hmm, my page fits right in this category
so I thought I’d give it a shot. Anyway, thanks for the kind words. Means a lot.
@catonpaper That is amazing, Cat!