Lee White SVS Team SVS Instructor Pro SVS OG last edited by Lee White 15 Mar 2018, 23:01 15 Mar 2018, 22:37
Hi guys, as we make new classes I wanted to throw out some informal information to you to keep you up to date and aware of upcoming classes, etc. (note: there will be a formal announcement of any new things we are doing as well).
We have a lot of classes in the works. One that I am working on is a 10 week digital painting class that will cover everything you need to know to get better at making paintings in photoshop (other software is ok for it too, but photoshop will be the primary instruction). It will cover everything from how to use tools effectively to getting some very finished work done in a style you like.
Sign ups will be started in early summer and class size will be limited to 20 people. It should be fun! This class should be a fantastic class to take before taking Will's texture class. With those two classes you should be able to conquer almost any paint problems you might encounter.
concur.... conquer?
@sarah-luann fixed!
Sorry to be the grammar police... I was just reading that and thinking... why would I agree with any paint problems I encounter?? OH...
Sounds good. I am just starting with photoshop, and have now gotten it to mimic what I was doing in procreate, but want to take it much further.
Do you have a price for the class yet?
Lee White SVS Team SVS Instructor Pro SVS OG last edited by Lee White 16 Mar 2018, 03:05 16 Mar 2018, 02:36
It will be $500 just like the other 10 week live classes. Other schools are charging twice that and more, but we want to keep the classes affordable.
not bad. I would love to jump into one of these classes sooner or later.
@lee-white Will you be offering it again later as a live class?
@eli yes, this one will be part of our foundation program and a basic class that will be part of our curriculum
Lee White SVS Team SVS Instructor Pro SVS OG last edited by Lee White 16 Mar 2018, 17:03 16 Mar 2018, 17:01
Note: Jake is working on a new figure class and David Hohn is working on a Head and Hands class too! Also a live children's book class and comics focused track!
Lot's of new stuff in the works! : )
@lee-white Live children's book class--woohoo! Any idea when, just so I can keep things open?
Lee White SVS Team SVS Instructor Pro SVS OG last edited by Lee White 18 Mar 2018, 01:44 18 Mar 2018, 01:43
We are still planning, so things might change a bit and more is being added, but right now we have:
Head and Hands taught by David Hohn
How to Draw everything: Figure Drawing by Jake Parker
Backgrounds and Environments, teacher to be announced soon...Sept:
Creating Great Book Covers by Lee White and jaime Zollars
Digital Painting by Lee White
Children's book illustration by Lee White and/or Will Terry
Ideation lab by Sterling Hundley
Head and Hands by David Hohn
How to paint textures by Will TerryJan:
Illustration 1: Turbo charging your Creativity by Lee White and David Hohn
Digital Painting by Lee White -
WHY OH WHY can't I have an unlimited amount of time and income!?!? There are just too many cool classes to choose from! Wow.
Is the book cover one for subs? I think you should do one for us please @Lee-White
@jason-bowen It depends on the class format on whether it will be available as a subscription video. Some classes are going to be very assignment/crit heavy with most of the content being very specific interaction between the teacher and student. Those are unlikely to be a video in the subscription. Then other classes are very demo specific such as a perspective class or any specific technique kind of content. Those are better for doing as a live class and then also releasing it into the subscription. Will's texture painting class is a good example of this kind of a class and it will be in the subscription later this year.
The critique heavy classes are tough because there isn't that much general "instruction" per se, it's really the instructor giving an assignment and the student doing the assignment. Then it builds on that content. It's hard to make a video out of that and it gets tricky with the privacy of the students who are submitting work.
I'm not sure where the children's book class will land. We will probably use the children's book class that is already in the subscriptions as a template for building on. So if you haven't seen that one and done the work, it would be a good place to start. : )
@lee-white Oh ok I see what you mean it was a hopeful request. I'd like to do one of them at some point.
I'm game for the digital painting class I'm sure it will fill up fast. If I don't make it into that one the children's book illustration class would be awesome too.
Cool! But how to choose between children's books and book covers? (As she considers skipping food, sleep, work, and social life for the entire fall and doing both. ) Are any of the May classes live critique classes? The environment one sounds interesting.
Guys, the live classes are worth it! I have worked so hard in Turbocharging and learned so much!
@lauraa All the ones i listed are live classes
I want to do them all ,but I really need the enviroment and backgrounds most.