Kids Menu Illustrations
Thank you for sharing about your project! It looks great and with only 3 weeks to work on it you must have worked really hard to get it all done.
Can I ask how the commission came about? Did you approach them or vice versa?
@gary-wilkinson Thanks! Yes, it was a lot of pushing to get it done. I had to find ways in my illustration process to reduce the workload to "buy me more time" (like reusing textures & elements to serve as foundation that I painted over as necessary). So it was a pretty good learning process too.
The project came about through a 3rd party that I have a relationship with.
It looks amazing..I can't imagine trying to complete this in 3 weeks and having it look like that..well done and kudos to your wife!
@djlambson Awwww! Thank you!!!! I will tell her! Thanks!
WOW! That looks amazing! Well done. (especially with all that you had going on!)
@eli Thank you so much!!! (yes, that was such an intense time!)
@quietyell fantastic work! Did you also do the layouts/graphic design or just the illustrations?
@chip-valecek Thanks!!! I did everything that is shown in the thumbnails. So basically: I did all of the illustration work, then the illustration/text/design on the full cover and entry page (the page with the 2 characters and chalkboard), which set the font tone, and I did the entire activity sheet shown. I did not do the food photography, nor the pages that the food is on. I was asked to, but I turned it down because I really didn't have much time and needed to focus on the illustration work.
@quietyell Very fun project! Well done!
@will-terry That means so much to me to hear, Will. Thank you!!!
So cool! Such a great project and wonderfully executed! Looks great!
@quietyell Super cool! Fun project done right!
@smceccarelli @Tom-Shannon Thank you both so much!!! Your words are incredibly encouraging!!! It has been super fun to do and the expansion interests are even more fun!
@quietyell Wow! Super nice and done in 3 weeks - Very impressive! (I wish we had one nearby so i could see it in person
@kevin-longueil Thanks!!!!!! A little over 3 weeks but not by a lot since there simply wasn't more time to do the work due to the deadline. I wish we had one closer too! It is probably a 60+min drive for me... but the corporate office is about 30min down the road
@quietyell Awesome! Congrats
@charlie-eve-ryan Super Thank You!!!!!
So great!
@lmrush Yayyyyy!!! Thank you!!!
Congratulations! It looks amazing! The characters look very consistent throughout. Well done!