@Jay I love the colors so much. Jealous
@Leontine Wow great work.
I created the slide show with all the submissions. I will add any others that are added between now and the 31st. But at least you can see them all here without having to scroll through this thread. If I missed yours for some reason, please let me know so I can add it. I will also create a separate thread with the link in case it gets lost in here.
So many great pieces!!!
Yeah go Sponge Bob!!
@Chip-Valecek Thank you so much for taking the time to do this slideshow! -
@MREdesign Thank you and I know you can do it too. I have improved a lot just by following svs
This post is deleted! -

Hm. This is a good learning piece for me, I can see a lot of problems to work through. My perspective is super-duper wonky, so I'll be more attentive in my sketching stage (not to mention studying up!). I've gotta kill the habit of outlining with watercolors, it flattens things in a not good way (or be intentional about it). I need to be more decisive in lighting, and study real life for accuracy. Those are some things I'm going to focus on next.
@Kevin-Longueil this came out fantastic. Nice work.
Ahhhh last minute, here's my entry!!!
Is it okay if it's a twitter link tho?