Live Class Schedule
Let me know if there is anything I haven't mentioned that you would be interested in as well...
At the moment I would only take Portfolio Development as a live class. And hope that you would also have a regular schedule of live critique sessions? I am so sad I had to miss the Fall one...
Anyhow, I think you came up with an excellent program and the sequence makes sense to me. Maybe it would be nice to have a second edition of Children's book illustration in Fall too. -
There will be many more classes available than the ones listed here. These are just the ones I will be teaching. Jake may run some and Will too of course. We may team up on some of them as well. We will be working to have guest instructors too...
I'd love a graphic novel/ comic book class..covering development and story telling techniques.
Jake MAY run the comic class in January! I hope he can! : )
Lee White SVS Team SVS Instructor Pro SVS OG last edited by Lee White 19 Sept 2016, 22:33 19 Sept 2016, 22:33
We will also be offering a single image critique like the Fall crit coming up on a quarterly basis. Not totally sure of that schedule yet (again, all of this is in development right now...)
@Lee-White Would love to see more of the crits available! Are we allowed to watch while they are done live? or just later when the recording is made available.
We could possibly do the individual image crit every other month possibly. Since it's limited to only 10 -12 people maybe it should run more.
Another question, what do you guys think about class times? Since some people will be on east coast time, others will be on west coast time, and still others in other countries I was thinking maybe having them on the weekend? Or maybe during the week in the evening?
What do you think?
@Lee-White Class duration might be a factor here. (Meaning how long the class lasts: 1hr, 2hrs, etc.)
Lee White SVS Team SVS Instructor Pro SVS OG last edited by Lee White 20 Sept 2016, 23:19 20 Sept 2016, 23:12
I'm thinking 3 hours. Anything less than that and it's hard to fit in a crit and a lecture of material. My university classes were 4 hours, but that is too long for a web class I think...
I think a lot of us work so the week days might be hard.
What if the class was done in a way where you could watch the lecture any time you wanted? Then, the critique of your work was recorded and you could watch that whenever you wanted as well? Then have a forum for questions, etc.
@Lee-White This idea and the weekend idea sound great! I teach at night so i never get my hopes up that i will be able to participate in live classes - weekends or recorded class would work for me
Yes that would work for me
@Lee-White That is how I did the whole of art school (I was on the AAU Cybercampus) so obviously works! It was actually perfect for me - I was always able to fit classes in my schedule, and time zone, even if I was traveling (which used to be a lot more then, but still happens).
I am sure you are aware of it, but this is actually the Schoolims model. -
I'd prefer a weekend too if there's a choice...the main thing for me would be avoiding the 2-4am UK time slot...hard because you can't really stay up late, or get up early for it.. But if you did weekend daytime that would be early evening in Europe, so much more workable.
I think it would be great if the classes were recorded anyway - just in case anyone has a family crisis or something that makes them miss a week for some reason...and also in case you end up scheduling them at nighttime in Europe, so we could still do the course without getting too sleep deprived! But having done a couple of live critiques where we all 'sit' in a live classroom and share webcams, it is very cool being live with other artists all around the world and listening to the critiques in real if it is possible to find a joint time to attend all at once that would be nice.
@Lee-White A good live time is certainly worth pursuing, but recorded will accommodate all timezones & schedules, and also allow multiple re-playing.
The forum is great. Actually, I think a forum for each video series SVSLearn does would be great; though, admittedly, potentially hard to manage each over time. (I've had questions & comments on content in specific videos)
Personally, I think you already have some great photoshop and digital painting generic courses offered. But the Illustration 1 and Childrens Book 2 and Portfolio specific courses sound perfect!
Lee White SVS Team SVS Instructor Pro SVS OG last edited by Lee White 21 Sept 2016, 16:40 21 Sept 2016, 16:39
@smceccarelli I have seen the schoolism model. Those guys are great and I'm friends with them. but man are they charging a fortune. Basically $1000 for video feedback and the classes are actually $15 subscription PER CLASS. You can only take one at a time. You can take two classes if you want, but now it's $30 a month, and so on. You can change courses for the single charge, but it's a clunky business model.
I do like the model that you can watch the lecture at your leisure though. I thought it might be nice to have "office hours" where I'm logged on and you guys can ask questions live. I really want there to be a "face to face" component.
@QuietYell If you have questions about any video, please don't hesitate to ask in the forums!
@artspreadsjoy The photoshop and painting classes are great, but a LOT of people need a feedback component in order to really improve. There have been many times in classes I've taught where I did a demo, explained every step, and then given the exact same project as an inclass exercise and people's work is all over the place. I need to be able to say "You need to adjust this thing" to each person depending on what they are doing wrong (or could be doing better). Watching videos is great, but the real learning is in doing and correcting.