Congratulations @xin-li!!!!!! This is incredible!
The description is definitely awesome, too! Can’t wait to read it and enjoy the art and storytelling! I can say, “I know Xin!”
I hope it is ok for me to post about my book here. I have been a member of this forum for some years. A big part of my first illustration portfolio was developed here with the help of many forum members and SVS instructors. I am very grateful for the support, critique, and encouragement I received from this community. Thank you very much!
After illustrating a couple of books, I decided to try writing my own stories. The story "I Lived Inside a Whale" was written in the middle of the pandemic. It was written around the time when everyone finds the world was a very overwhelming place to be. It was also around the time I was trying to find out what I want to do with my art. All these emotions/experiences mixed together and ended with a story about Emma sailing into a blue whale to seek quietness. But her perfect world inside the whale was interrupted by a loud and noisy boy. And in the end, Emma's love for books and stories changed everything.
I had so much fun (and frustration) including a dragon, pirate, Chinese Monkey King, Pinocchio, Baba Yaga, Chester cat, and many more story references into a 48-page book. The book has stories within a story structure, inspired by the classic The Arabian Night.
My publisher wrote a wonderful description for my book, which you can read to find out more about the story here:
I hope you give this book a chance when it comes out in February 2024. Pre-order it, order it, borrow it from the library, steal it from a friend, whichever way you prefer. If you do get a chance to read the book, let me know what you think, just like we always do in this forum - honest constructive critiques :-).
Have a lovely weekend!
@xin-li Congratulations!!! Looking forward to seeing this. Pre-ordered!!
Congratulations @xin-li!!!!!! This is incredible!
The description is definitely awesome, too! Can’t wait to read it and enjoy the art and storytelling! I can say, “I know Xin!”
@xin-li this book looks interesting! Thanks for sharing about it
@xin-li This looks amazing. Congrats!
@xin-li So proud of you Congratulations!
Oh my goodness!! Congratulations @xin-li
@xin-li looks lovely, can't wait to read it!