16 Apr 2023, 07:10

@Miriam Thank you! You've put a lot of work into this feedback, I really appreciate that! 😍

As you could tell, reality doesn't play a great part in my illustration...or in my mind. πŸ˜†

I was wondering if anyone would mention the fact that it doesn't look much like winter... I don't want the juxtaposition to be jarring, but I have deliberately mixed the seasons because the book spans winter, spring and summer and I wanted the cover to convey that feeling of hope for a happy ending - when I set it completely in winter it just looked too bleak and depressing. But those plants probably are too tropical, considering it's set in England! πŸ˜…
Indeed, they don't look much like wolves, but what to do when you don't want to make them too realistic... I'm definitely going to try your suggestion of allowing more space around them for the light colour to blend. The fact that they're poking through the trees is just a bit of silliness, and the real wolves in the story are only a vague threat - the true "wolves" are actually 2 human baddies. So I'll try make the 2 wolves on the ground look more wolf-like and threatening. I might also take away that dark tree-trunk-forest bit since I've tried it a few different ways and it's either too distracting or just doesn't make sense. Or maybe I'll make it bigger and it can take over from the green tree part and all the wolves can be peeking from behind tree trunks instead! Yay! Lots of new things to try!

Thank you again for all your lovely suggestions. I'm going to make notes so I can think about what to try and what to change. Exciting! πŸ₯³