13 Apr 2021, 18:10

@Matthew-Oberdier Great rendering in my opinion! The only thing that feels off to me is the foreshortening of the girl's body and her left arm. The legs and torso recede in a very forced perspective on a ground plane that seems too low for the rest of the composition. It almost feel like the vanishing point would be on the page for this setup. I painted out the body in a quick draw over and it showed me that the angle of the neck is really anchoring the pose in opposition the rest of the body. When the torso and legs are gone it looks very much like she is at the edge of a table petting the kitty. But maybe i am wrong...the area below her chin reads as neck to me...so it makes her looks very vertical like she is standing or that here ribcage is curving impossibly...but maybe it is not supposed to be the neck? I think making her legs much larger and not forcing the one on our right into the composition if it is blocked by her head might be good to try maybe?...her leg on our right looks longer than her other to me because of the perspective.. lastly her left arm (on our right) seems like a super difficult position to get into... for it to work, her upper arm would have to go almost straight to the side and back a bit and the forearm would double back which would make the angle for the handle super difficult and not relaxed.. we would see much more of her shoulder on that side too i think - anyways... i could be wrong on this stuff of course 🙂 i really like the style of this and think the made up lighting looks very believable.