12 Mar 2021, 21:25

I Thought i would start a 3d thread if anyone is interested. I have no idea what i'm doing but have wanted to do it for a while. I have wanted to make maquettes for illustrations for a long time .. a couple of recent book purchases pushed me to finally try it - i bought a book about disney's pinocchio and also a book on the art techniques of Tim Hildebandt - in both books the artists use models as reference for the art which helped me to finally dispel the "wouldn't it be cheating or be wrong somehow" nagging thought pattern. i started a couple days ago on a model for the fox head of my last illustration and it went way better than expected - i started this dragon while watching the yeti critique and thought it might be cool if the fox from the yeti illustration were riding a dragon or talking to a dragon (hey, why not ๐Ÿ™‚ )...not sure which so here is my start on a flying dragon with a saddle on his neck.. if anyone wants to try Nomad (or anything 3d program) and post what they are working on here that would be cool ๐Ÿ™‚


Untitled_Artwork 37.png

