@xin-li love the changes you've made! Flipping the tent opening was a good call, it helps include the entire family. Increasing the sizes of the characters brings them in and makes the scene feel more intimate.
Is the perspective wonky? Yes, a little bit. But if you're going for a wonky perspective, that's okay! If you want a more realistic perspective, I think the open door is contributing to the wonkiness.
Here's a thought: do you need the door? Is there a reason why the door is there? Removing the door and extending the picture wall behind Dad might help things seem even cozier, help with perspective, and resolve some distracting questions (Why is the door open? Is this a door to the outside, since the other wall has a window in it? And if it leads outside and the door is open, again, why is it open in winter?). To me, it feels like the door is there solely to provide a secondary light source. But is that really needed? The argument could be made that it's distracting rather than helping. You have secondary light sources with the fairy lights and the tealight "campfire". That could be all you need. Keep the focus and brightest lights on Mom & Daughter in the tent. For me, the open door is taking away from that.
One other thing to mention: the kid fishing is so cute, but having his back to the rest of the scene feels like he's isolating himself. What if you moved the circle rug so that it was more centered -- it could be what connects these 3 related-but-unrelated activities. Then you could flip the little fisherman so he is facing the rest of his family while still retaining all the charm of that little vignette. He can be doing his own thing while listening to storytime.
Again, these are just my thoughts. Thanks for sharing your WIP -- it's so exciting to see it come together!