Basic Perspective Final Assignment (wanting critiques)
@TessaW the strings really helped me...and yes when I made the corner shallow it does a distance thing. Im gonna try again to move the horizon one lower but I thought I tried that and couldn't figure it out. Im gonna try on a morning after I sleep well
@davidhohn and thank you for your help and encouragement. Ill keep working at it. I have a long way to go
I tried one from a dogs eye view and didn’t go very far. I put the horizon line low and vPts out with my strings. You know I have a problem with ceilings ....And I know I can’t see the top of anything viewing from below, but you can see I’m confused...feel free to mark it up or try to help me with words.... I so appreciate anyone who can take time to help my pea brain
@sdn Yeah it can be tricky! I like your observation that the dog would be looking up at the underside of the shelf. The same principle holds for things that land above the horizon line. We shouldn't be able to see the top side of the baby gate, the desk, the round tv table, since those land above the horizon line and the dog would be looking up at it. If you sit down or lay down on the floor, notice how you can't see the tops of the furniture. It also helps to look at photos or other artwork from a lower perspective.
I'm seeing a few problems.
Your floor boards don't seem to be going to any vanishing point related to the scene.
Your furniture is pasted flatly against the walls. They should extend out into the room. The back legs should be pretty flush with the wall and the front legs should extend out onto the floorboards. It can be a little tricky getting the proportions to work right, but it just takes some experimenting.
I've done a quick mockup- I didn't plot it out faithfully, especially the round table, but hopefully you can see how the floor boards would go toward a corresponding vanishing point (the same one the right wall vanishes to) and we aren't seeing the tops of the desk, gate, or tv table. The table and desk legs also extend out into the scene.
@TessaW you are my hero. Thank you for taking time to brilliantly mock up the room...looks so right...teach me that floor boards from where I’m sitting don’t make a hillobeans difference from where those doggy eyeballs are and I want crazy about the undersides of things...though you don’t really see those with yours either. Thank you so much for helping me graciously. I’ll try the other side of the room next week and see if I can make you chuckle again.
@TessaW I meant WASNT crazy....and I guess if it’s high enough you see under, like the shelf on the desk, but not if it’s not super high, like the desk and the table itself. That must have something to do with proportion and be the reason we draw in the whole cube. Brilliant. Thanks again
@sdn Yeah, the closer to the horizon line, the less underside you'll see of it. If you hold out a soda can eye level to you, you shouldn't be able to see the top or bottom. As you move the can higher and higher from eye level the more of the underside you'll see. If you move the can lower and lower from eye level the more of the top side you see.
For this desk drawing, I tried to match the horizon line and view point and placement of the room from your drawing to mine. What would happen if we lowered the horizon line more? Or if we structured the bottom of the wall and floor plane to be closer to the horizon line? Or if we zoomed in to the desk more and made the angles a bit more extreme? In all those scenarios, it could push the top of the desk further above the horizon line and we would be able to see much more of the underside.
@TessaW you have a really nice way of explaining things. Thank you so much for taking time to do it
@davidhohn @Eric-Droke I’m sorry this has taken me so long to finish. I wanted to take some time to go back into the class and review. My ruler and level were dirty despite cleaning them, so please excuse the black markings. Well, here it is. Would love to get your thoughts. (Also, noob question but when I’m uploading pictures from my iPhone to the forum, do I choose the actual size?)
@Jesse-Rivera Oh yeah ! What an improvement from your first upload!
@Jesse-Rivera This is a huge improvement from the first one! Excellent job!
@Jesse-Rivera looking good!
@Nyrryl-Cadiz Thanks for the encouragement. Also, checked out your new site and just love your illustrations!!! Best of luck with that book and shipping dilemma I saw mentioned on the forum.
@StudioHannah I appreciate the supportive feedback! Also, checked out your art on Instagram. Great work!
@Jesse-Rivera Thanks, Jesse! I hope I can figure it out too.
@Jesse-Rivera Great job! I see no problems with this at all. No need to apologize for dirty rulers, brother. These exercises are meant to be gritty, greasy, hard work. So, don't worry about if it's pretty or not... for now.
As for uploading images from your phone, I would stick to the smallest size available unless it's a finished piece of art. No need for a full resolution image when 72 dpi will do. Hey, keep up the good work!