Constructive criticism needed for my next print!
I’m starting to make prints of my own ideas rather than focusing so much on fan art prints, and this is the first of what I hope will be a successful journey selling my own art.
I asked for feedback on a Facebook page and got good feedback. Here is the original:
And here is what I have now after fixing the facial structure and hand sizes:
But then I remembered that I’m part of these forums and have been underutilizing them as a resource for quality feedback! I haven’t been in here for years! Good gosh! So hey, SVS what feedback do you have for me before I turn this over to the printer?
Thank you!
Well done! I love the interaction between this lady and the cat
One question I have in mind is do you know who's your potential client? such as age group and their preference? Were they mostly purchasing fan arts before ? -
I really love a lot of the fine details here, like the kind of magical dust coming out of that door, the question where the door is leading to, and the mix of everyday live with magical themes is so well done, and the cat is just perfect in its design and body language!
For the feedback part. I'm thinking about the overall shape of the illustration, I really like the cutout style especially on the right and top side, while on the bottom and left side for my tase there a bit to much little edges that don't resonate with the illustration and the objects in it. ( its so difficult find the right words in English, hope you can get what I mean)Also i was thinking if a bit of orange, warm light could look nice,(maybe on her bag or cheek.
Hope this useful to you
This is a really nice image! Well done! The overall feeling is pleasant and I like the interaction. I take it the cat is a magic sort of cat?
The only thing I'd do is somehow make the flowers in the front a little less prominent, because they are competing a little with the figures. You could do this with size, color, or perhaps with edge treatment. The flowers behind her are nicely toned down, and I know--heck, flowers are supposed to be bright! But as it is, they are brighter and almost larger than the woman.
@idid Thanks! My current print customers are mainly at comic conventions and span mainly women, with a chunk of them being kids in middle/high school and the other chunk being more around my age, in their 20's and 30's. I am trying to pull the age group up a little to solidly hit women in their 30's who like a little fantasy in their lives. But mainly I just want to make things that I like. As a woman in my 30's, I can only assume that there are others like me who will like what I like!
I started selling work at comic conventions, so fan art would hit people well there, but I don't like doing it. It's not fun for me to jump on trends and draw other people's characters when I have SO MANY of my own that never get to see daylight because I don't have the time for them. I personally prefer buying art with people's original characters rather than fan art, myself, so I know there are others that feel the same way. It's awesome to own something super original by a smaller creator.
@Freya-Chakour Thanks! I get what you mean! The cut-out edges are kind of random, as I just wanted a way to have a white border without being a flat line. There's not a lot of thought put into how it jives with the actual structure of the illustration. Looking at it now, I can see how much better the top and right sides look than the left side, in particular. It's easier to get objects to overlap white than it is to get a void to overlap the flowers! Hmm, I'll have to think on that one.
@LauraA Thank you! Ooh, that's a good point. I wanted to make sure I popped in some warmer tones since the shop walls are so green, but maybe I overdid it. I do want it to still have a kind of muted look overall. I can see now how the character is standing out more against the flowers behind her since she is more saturated, and I do think that desaturating the front flowers, at least the bright red parts, would help her stand out more overall.
THANK YOU ALL for the feedback! I really appreciate it!