Favorite Drawing Prompt List
Hey all you crazy art folks.
Anyone got a drawing prompt list they particularly enjoyed?
I'm feeling kind of stagnant (this whole not doing anything, am I right?) and would love some creative thoughts injected into my brain.
So if you have any prompt lists you've particularly enjoyed or have seen and thought "Man I want to do that one!" please send them my way haha
Let's share some inspiration!
These illustrators always make nice promp lists for inktobers, if you want to practice animals for example here's the 2019's, on the second slide. He turned it into antropomorphic animals though. The downside however is that it is in Spanish, but you can always translate it
Here is the 2018's (in English) and here is the 2017's (in English too).
Despite they were made for inktober you can use it whenever you feel to!
Hope you like them! -
Erin Barker has this really fun Character Design Routlette activity. Here's her blog post about it with the PDF download: http://erinbarkerillustration.com/blog/2017/8/16/erins-character-design-roulette-challenge
Plus her artwork is just the cutest on the planet.
@cristamay & @baileymvidler thank you thank you thank you!
I'll have to figure out how to translate those haha but all of these are super helpful!
It has been such a struggle recently.
@EliaMurrayArt I'm doing a challenge called #100moods right now, which have really fun prompts! It's created by Simona Ceccarelli who is (or was, she's really busy with work now) a SVS student as well. You don't have to do them in a certain time period, just anytime you want and in any medium/style you'd like. I'm finding it being a great way to practise expressing emotions with my characters and I'm also getting so much inspiration and hopefully some nice portolio pieces along the way
You could make up your own moods or follow Simona's list, I'll attach it. Another amazing illustrator who is also doing the challenge, Noemi Gionet Landry, has a modified list. But really you can just pick and choose and switch out any moods you'd like
This post is deleted! -
@KajsaH oooooh sweet, thank you for sharing this one!!
Carson Ellis does a good one on Tuesdays, although I don't know if they're still running? She gives three random words and you draw an image/character based on those. One I really love but haven't taken part in yet is by @victoria_semykina - not so much prompts but more of a challenge - to draw scenes from films by suggested directors, post by a certain date and invite people to guess the film.
@KajsaH oh wow this is great!!!
I follow Simon Ceccarelli, but I didn't realize she'd shared her list. Definitely jumping on this as I want to get better with expressing emotions through my work. Thank you!!
I follow Noemie and Simona, and has seen their illustrations,but didnโt realize it was a follow along the prompts if you want sort of thing. Iโve been looking for some ideas too, I might join on this. And give myself two years to complete it lol! Iโm so slow. Gesture class is helping me speed up on characters. Backgrounds are currently painful lol.
@KajsaH I heard about this one and was looking for the prompts as well. Thank you for sharing!
@Coley I think these prompts will take me at least 2 years too, haha! But you could combine them too, draw several characters with different emotions in one pic
@KajsaH that's a good thought
I have been working on a prompt generator for myself for writing. It is based on word lists that create a sentence.
I have updated the word lists to reflect 'nouns' that are in the world I have been creating and 'settings' that are in the same world. Feel free to copy the google sheet and update with word lists that fit what you want to write or draw about and this could be a nice tool for you as well.
@theprairiefox woooowwwwwww
I have no idea how you're doing this magic but it's very cool and I'm very intrigued
@EliaMurrayArt it is pretty funny how I stumbled on it.
I was looking for prompts online and found this blog post about using a LeapFrog game for prompts.
And I then I thought I could take the idea to the next level using the Randomize function in Google Sheets. I found some words lists and voila, I had a prompt generator.
The verb and adjective word list came from supereasystorytelling.com. Vibrant Verbs and Awesome Adjectives
As I said, I wanted the nouns and settings to be my own so I built those myself.
@theprairiefox That awesome! Thank you for sharing these websites too. These are so great
@theprairiefox @EliaMurrayArt I have been working on something like this for a while too. I posted recently about it :
https://forum.svslearn.com/topic/9625/free-art-prompts-app-for-ios-beta-testers-wantedExample of generated prompts can be seen here:
https://www.instagram.com/artpromptsapp/It's generally the same idea as @theprairiefox - just wrapped into an iOS app.
I have thought about how I can make it easy to add your own word lists and challenges, but I have not gotten around to that yet.
But I will follow up on the ideas and word lists mentioned above, and see how I can add them to the App.
If anybody want to contribute and collaborate on the app, word lists, challenges, design etc., let me know. The app is currently in beta test - and it will be free when it gets published on the App store. -
@bofrese I like that the prompts you are generating are more geared towards drawing. It might be interesting to have different modes for drawing vs. writing.
My sheet is definitely geared toward writing as that is what I am using it for. I kind of need more of a story going on.
@bofrese That is so cool - I was looking for an app like this but couldn't find anything that felt right. I look forward to checking it out!!