Last call on help with horse bot pleeeeeese 🤪
I have several versions on horse bot, one with a coloured background (please ignore patches of white etc as they were meant to be fixed), one on a plain background and another with just Lisa’s feet sticking out. Any thoughts on what works? I am at a point where I can’t decide anything anymore. I like horse bot but I feel like something is missing or wrong but no idea what. !
@Coley hahaha I actually REALLY like Lisa being out of frame - perhaps her boot could also be flying off. It's unexpected, silly, it made me laugh.
Well done on all of them though.
I personally like the first one with just Lisa's leg. It's funnier and it makes the robot the main star and really emphasizes the excitement of longing for that apple. I do really like the other two versions as well- they sort of make you sympathize with both characters equally.
Your robot design is so fun. I really enjoyed seeing all of the sketches and concepts for this and think you should make a mini-series for these characters. The rendering, design, and gestures feel so natural and attractive. Really fun work this month.
@EliaMurrayArt I ki d of like her being out of frame better too (and all that work I did on rendering her lol
). But I’m willing to let her go. The flying boot idea is excellent, thanks!
I agree with @EliaMurrayArt because it is super clear what happened in the first one. But I have issues with the grass! It's too close to the edge or something. It's just that I don't have a possible solution for that except using the bg from #3. I do think that if this were my piece, I would play around with a bit of cropping, because your rendering of the horse bot is so good, that you should let people see it in full detail.
@carolinebautista thanks! I should have spent more time on the background and not on the girl
. I have trouble rendering backgrounds so I’ll keep playing around. I’d like horse bot to be more featured, I did make it bigger but maybe even bigger, I’ll play with it, thanks
@Coley - A couple quick suggestions that hopefully don't throw too big of a wrench!
Perhaps make the horses head tilted up towards the apple, I think that will continue the line of action more. Plus if you imagine, that horse's main goal is eating the apple - ket him lead with his teeth. Especially now that the little girl is not holding the reins!
And then move the horse up towards the apple (the whole horse) just a smidge - that might help balance the comp a bit more too.
@EliaMurrayArt that might be doable. Thank goodness for the transform tool LoL. As long as I can maintain a believable perspective. I'll play with it later tonight.