First Post: Nightfall Sketch - Feedback welcomed!
Hello all!
First time posting and I just have to say, holy cow there are a lot of talented folks here!!
I started my sketches for the February prompt and would love some other eyes to glance over it and make suggestions. I am trying to push myself to place my characters into a background (something I really struggle with) as well as use more color (another struggle moment).
Any advice, criticism, which one to develop?
The first is a scary story gone awry. The second is a little more complicated.
Thought is the princess is attempting to out run nightfall and the impending transformation!
Looking forward to seeing all the amazing takes and meeting you on this forum!
@EliaMurrayArt I like them both. I’m drawn a little more towards the princess one, maybe it’s less predictable of a concept? Anyhow it’s fun! The composition is split down the middle with the day and night so maybe try some thumbnails where the night favors one third or two thirds of the composition? Both are fun concept though
And possibly the main character should be less in the middle too?
Hmm, I think the idea of the princess could be interesting but I don't think I would have gotten the story unless you told me. Where as number one 1 I understood right away.
The advice I was given on what to focus on to improve is to choose the thing you're worst at and make that better. Eventually it won't be the thing you're worst at so then go to the new "worst" and cycle through. So if you feel like you struggle more with backgrounds than color, work on that first or vice versa.
Also hi! Welcome!
@Coley totally agree with that. I’ll rework the composition. I think the monster will be easier to accomplish but I’m tempted to fumble my way through the princess piece. I’m not sure how to make to more apparent though, perhaps glows and sparkles.
I think the composition of the princess piece is much more dynamic and it's an interesting story concept but harder to get at first glance. Maybe make the part that's transforming a little more obvious and have her reacting more strongly to it? And possibly think about the separation between night and day, whether it sould be a hard line, or a fuzzy transition or maybe like tendrils creeping in. They're both looking good!
@carlianne that’s what I was worried about. The monster will be easier for me to work through and I’m not sure about the princess. But it might be a good piece to fail on and learn from!
@Melanie-Ortins I like the idea of the tendrils! I do want her reaction to be much much bigger so I’ll give that a shot and change up thee composition.
The concept of no.2 is really interesting and unexpected. Pehaps there is a way to make the night a character of some sort to show that it is chasing the princess to get the concept across?
Great work and looking forward to see this being developed furture. -
@xin-li that's a great idea
Hi @EliaMurrayArt, I like them both, but feel the princess piece is more interesting.
If you stick with the monster, I think it would be cool to hide the monster behind the trees with only its head sticking out. The scale will highlight this.
If you stick with the princess, why not have her coming out of a dark and scary forest, with perhaps crows flying in the dark? Then you can add butterflies and friendly things in the day scene?
Can’t wait to see your finished piece!
@Jeremy-Ross those are great suggestions!
I am 100% intimidated by a forest scene but eh, maybe now is a good time to rip the bandaid off. I was actually just thinking bats would be fun to play around with. Transforming them into birds or some such creature.
I like the idea of hiding the monster in the trees too.
I agree the princess piece will be more interesting Haha but I can't help but feel like I will be biting off more than I can chew.
@xin-li oh I like that idea a lot!!
A little update on these. I decided the first one would be more of an exercise with color and value and the second will be an exercise with background and story.
I might hide the monster in the woods more but I liked his hands. Probably won’t post this one anywhere but here but it has been a good piece to work through if only just to push myself to do something with colors I don’t use.
The second is titled The Escape. I moved away a bit from the transformation and the character being afraid. I want it to feel a little more triumphant.
How do you folks think of designing backgrounds? Should I add more to it? I was worried about clutter. Are the bushes not working out?