Sorry in advance, english isn't my first language, I try my best ! (I'm french)
I'm doing illustrations for my portfolio and I'm looking for my business path at the same time, if I want to do children books, visual development, editorial etc. I figured out that artists I admire pursued several path too. It's kinda hard to focus on one based on competition.. My actual portfolio is this one https://mayllis.fr/ . I feel like there is a more design style (that I don't know if it can go in editorial), and a more vis dev/editorial/illustration for books style. I think I will develop more the second one but listening to svs courses, I should focus more on only one. Based on that, I would be happy if you share your opinion about my style. Where do you see this kind of works ?
As the same time of thinking, I work on my portfolio. I did this illustration yesterday but I'm not entirely happy with it. I don't really know why and I think that maybe fresh eyes can help ! It feels like there are problems of proportions between people, boat and sun, and that characters have not the right style for this illustration.. maybe to realistic ?
(Last question for the future, if I want more critiques about other works, it's better to continue on this topic or to create an other one ?)
I hope I didn't mix everything and that my message is quite clear :disappointed_but_relieved_face:
Have a nice day