December 3rd Thursday WIP
Hi everyone..thought I’d share my 3rd Thursday progress…I chose my theme partly because I found this book in a secondhand bookshop about a month ago..I’m not really someone who volunteers to draw machines, I prefer animals…BUT when I saw the amazing vintage-style illustrations in this book, for the first time in my life I wanted to draw a train!
Here’s another pic from inside..
So when we got the prompt, I thought ‘aha! This is my opportunity to draw one of these!’ The train I chose is a Norwegian one, figured that it wouldn't be too crazy for Santa to get one at short notice…reference here:
And so my train is going to be rocket/jet-pack powered. I know, I know, you must be thinking, Back to The Future!…I know it’s been done before, but it was 25 years ago now and they can’t have the monopoly on flying trains forever. And I want to draw a train! So here is my sketch…
I figured it might be helpful for Santa to have a bit more room for presents. And here it is with the values added…
I’m still pondering where to go with how to finish it…
I like it, but I think your train could use some Christmas Lights and Tinsel Strands... or at least a wreath. It looks a little plain. If you enlarged the locomotive part, you could do a reflection of the town below along the main engine.
Looking good Dulcie.
I agree with bobby add a few bits on the train and that will look nice and christmasy
@Bobby-Aquitania Thanks for your thoughts I like the idea of adding reflections, I'd like it to be a really shiny train (it's going to be red, with golden metal fixtures so hopefully will add to the festive feel... I agree that fairy lights would be so much fun to add! ...though I was already worrying that I had too many light sources already with the rockets and the moon.
@Lee-Holland Thank you also for your feedback! Well it looks like maybe I should add those lights...
Yesssss! I have been waiting for someone to do either a sweet train or a classic car. Are you thinking of going with a retro paint style like the book?
@gimmehummus Glad you approve! I am struggling to work out where to go with the painting. I love the retro feel of the illustrations in the book, would love to replicate that 'feel' in the picture particularly with the train. Another part of me is pulling towards doing a mixed media watercolour + digital job....not sure, I might just have to start and see what works...
I'm partial to the vintage stuff but whatever you decide I'm looking forward to seeing it.
What if the jet pack exhausts were in different Xmas colors... they already look a little bulb like.
@Bobby-Aquitania Thanks for the suggestion I will see what works when I do the colouring....
@Dulcie I love your concept and where you're headed! Great stuff. I wish I'd thought of it! I think it would be great for you to do a vintage look but mixed with more contemporary bright Christmas lights.
The one thing that throws me off is the jet packs. I find them very distracting. If it were me, I'd get rid of them entirely and do a 'magical flying train' that doesn't have logic associated with how it's flying. It could have sparkles/light streams to show that it's enchanted and therefore doesn't need to have an explanation of how it flies.
Can't wait to see how it develops!
@DanetteDraws Thank you! I appreciate your thoughts. Yes I think I'm going to experiment with some sort of crossover look that tries to draw from several places. Will see how it goes!
I totally get what you're saying about the jet packs. They bother me too...partly because I want them to feel properly connected to the train and believable. I wanted to show that the train is just taking off and hovering, just getting ready to go and say goodbye to poor Rudolph...if I did a magical train with sparkles I'd want to still convey that hovering-ness (as opposed to whooshing through the sky at speed, because you can't say goodbye to Rudolph like that) and not sure how to do that. Will have a think!
I can't wait to see the painting begin. It looks like a fun piece
Really nice job on all of the perspective work you have going on with the train Dulcie! Yet another piece of yours I already know I am going to be a huge fan of when you are done!
Wonderful concept, perspective and values! Can't wait to see the final!
I really like this idea. Trains are so classic and cool.
Love the idea - I agree with Danette about the jet packs - if you go with a magical train you could have the Christmas Magic equivalent of pixie dust gently and subtly floating down to where the train lifted off (should there be a set of railroad tracks down there?) to show that it is hovering ...this is a very obvious idea that I'm sure you have thought of - so really just here to say I love the idea
Nice composition, I'm looking forward to seeing it progress.
I agree with Danette and Kevin about using magic instead of jet packs to propel the train. Santa doesn't strap jet packs to the reindeer...he uses magic. But regardless of what you choose, the direction you are going is fabulous! Can't wait to see it when painted!
I really love this idea and i think the train looks really good so far. I totally agree adding some magic effect would be nice to the piece.
I love it. What a great idea. Drawing a train, for me, would not be easy and I admire you taking on the unfamiliar. It looks good!