September Prompt is difficult
I had a few ideas for September. The first was a girl with a giant robot. I like the top left image. The bottom image is supposed to be the robot squishing a school desk, but it doesn't read very well. The right has the robot with the girl on his shoulder striding through a crowd of kids.
The second is a girl that brings a flamingo to dance class. I did multiple thumbnails, but I like the energy of it.
Does one idea stand out to you over the other? I don't know which to pursue, because I feel like the flamingo will be more fun, but the robot takes me out of my comfort zone. (Inorganic objects=boo!)
Also, which flamingo thumbnails do you like best? I want it to be a two-page spread of the flamingo dancing in one frame (with or without the girl), and the other dancers looking on in the next frame. (I figure even if I do giant robot I can still do the other image later).
@TwiggyT I like teh second idea, with the flamingo, it has movement and energy
I like both ideas. The robot carrying the girl is super adorable. The robot squashing the desk would also be so fun.
However the flamingo idea is more unique and has more movement and energy. You could probably have a lot of fun with it.
I'd vote for the flamingo for the contest, but I think the robot ideas could make some cool portfolio pieces.
@TwiggyT this one is really difficult. love the robot idea.
Thanks for your input, everyone! I picked the girl and flamingo.
This is laid out to be a two-page spread. What do you think of the composition? Is the perspective OK? Foreshortened arms and legs=
@TwiggyT I would continue the background on both pages, not just were the other dancers are. I think that will help with your composition. I would also change all the kids faces to shocked to better fit the prompt. Right now it would read as All the kids were laughing when she brought ...
@Chip-Valecek Brilliant suggestions. Thank you!
I like both ideas. If you choose to do the robot, I like the one with the girl on it's shoulder and kids all around.
The flamingo would be a lot of fun.