Here's my entry for the September contest - Everyone was shocked to see her show up to school with...A DRAGON!!!
Hope you like it! Great as always to see everybody's entries, so much creativity here! Good luck everyone!
@Dima-Eichhorn Thank you Your entry is gorgeous. I love your sense of color and the way you direct the viewer's eye to the focal point. I can easily see this as part of a picture book.
@Laurel-Aylesworth Thank you for the kind words. I was really struggling with the colours ( as always) and I also love the face expression of the boy in the middle from your illustration.
@Ariel I LOVE your entry. The colors, the style- beautiful!
@Annaaronson Thank you Anna!
Hi fellow SVSer's! Here is my first submission for an SVS Prompt. I had a lot of fun with this one - Thanks Will!
This style is new to me so I have a few of questions for anyone who cares to critique
It's my intention to maintain the look of traditional media in my digital artwork. Are there any "dead giveaways" that this is digital artwork?
Any pulls, pinches, tweaks, or twists that would make this piece portfolio ready?
After viewing the art, do you have a specific SVS class in mind that I could benefit from?
@dkroese I love your lighting! It looks so warm and happy here
@Sathya-Illu Welcome! LOVE the limited color palette you used, gives it such a cool feel!
@ariel Love your style, so cute!