30 Jul 2019, 03:55

@drawnbyshawn Insurance is such a complex subject I think it’s best to talk it over with an insurance agent. Everyone’s situation is different and that makes a huge difference in the cost and benefits of having insurance. For prints I don’t think you need any sort of safety ratings or insurance like you would for a toy. It would basically just be insuring the stock you keep on hand against any potential damage. You have to weigh the cost of the policy with the amount you have invested in your stock of prints at any given time. If you plan to do multiple huge runs and keep $10k of product in your garage, it may be worth it but I feel like in most cases people starting out at cons have smaller runs of a handful of pieces, probably closer to $1000 invested in the products. If an insurance policy is going to (hypothetically) be $90 a month, that $90 may be better off going back towards more products with the understanding that If something happens, you are most likely out the $1000 it took to make the prints. You have to weigh out your comfort level with potential loosing your investment against the cost of the policy and that’s going to be different for everyone.